Be careful what you wish for......
Holly Grey only took up witchery to keep her friend out of trouble - and now she's knee-deep in hassle, in the form of apocalyptic weather, armed men, midwifery .... and a sarcastic Welsh journalist.
Kai has been drawn to darkest Yorkshire by his desire to find out who he really is. What he hadn't bargained on was getting caught up in amateur magic and dealing with a bunch of women who are trying really hard to make their dreams come true.
Together they realise that getting what you wish for is sometimes just a matter of knowing what it is you want ....
..... Inner sheet.
FIRST SENTENCE (Chapter 1): The fridge had definitely exploded.
MEMORABLE MOMENT (Page 30): "Make it a good one. I mean, no eye of newt stuff, I want a girlfriend not an amphibian."
MY THOUGHTS: A 'busy' book combining elements of an almost fairytale nature with a love story (in fact several 'love' stories of a sort) and, in the broadest sense of the definition, a crime thriller, I found Hubble Bubble to be one of those books in which all of the aspects of the novel, characters, barring one, perhaps two, included, were fair to middling with nothing in particular to recommend any of them and yet, billed as contemporary fiction, it is a light, enjoyable enough read. Be warned though, if like me, you were expecting a story of modern day witches, you may well find yourself disappointed as for the large part this definitely leans firmly towards the chick-lit end of the scale.
Published in Issue 75 of NewBooks magazine.
Disclaimers #1 :Removal of any part of this post without my express consent is considered copyright infringement. This post was created by and for Petty Witter @ Pen and Paper. If you are reading this post on any other site please contact the original blog owner/reviewer.
#2 An uncorrected Proof Manuscript (Hubble Bubble will not be published June 2013) read and reviewed on behalf of NEWBOOKS magazine. I was merely asked for my honest opinion, no financial compensation was asked for nor given.
Hello Tracy,
Please check my blog post for an award nomination as the token of appreciation for your Blog.
Chick Lit has to be really, really good to get my attention and this doesn't sound like one of those.
Love your "memorable moment"! Thanks for another well-written, concise review.
This sounds cute, but I'm more into witches than chick-lit.
That memorable moment had me smiling ;)
It does sound a bit like chick-lit. I don't mind that. Those can be so entertaining!
Thanks for the review! I have to admit the first line and book description draw me to the book. I'll have to perhaps try a sample when it comes out.
Seems like a good read and your review is just as good as always!
Have a lovely week ahead Tracy :)
Actually doesn't sound all that bad...even with the witchy chick lit balance there. Thanks for the share Tracy!
Hubble Bubble sounds good to me!
I love the title. Great review!
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