- My first ever library visit. Though we were never without books at home I can still remember my first ever library visit. Housed in a portable tin can of a cabin whilst awaiting the building of a new library, though this probably wasn't any bigger than two buses placed end to end, to me it seemed hugggeee, the potential to lose myself in all these books massive .... my dream come true.
- Something I have posted about before ...... Buying my first ever book. As a child at primary school we were encouraged to save money to be spent on the Book Bus that would turn up at the school at regular intervals, I can still remember how excited I was to actually buy my first ever book, The Pebbles Go To Town by Michael Cooper.
- Bedtime stories with Niece #1 and Nephew. In the time honoured tradition of my childhood I loved time spent reading to our niece (now a mother herself) and nephew. Not just a great way to end the day but a wonderful way of re-reading all of the favourites of my girlhood as well as discovering many of the new up-and-coming children's authors.
- Keeping with the theme of our niece and nephew,The last time I read a Thomas The Tank Engine story. Though now in his late teens as a child on the Autistic Spectrum Disorder it wasn't unusual for our nephew to become fixated with certain stories (at one point I remember it being Dr Seuss's The Cat In The Hat) but it was Thomas The (flaming) Tank Engine that I celebrated him growing out of. Read so many times I swear I could (and probably did) recite the books in my sleep, the funny thing is I now wish I'd kept them as I'm sure our great-nephew, Little Plum (26 months), may well come to enjoy them.
- My first on-line book review. Though Husband dearest, determined that I not only should but would blog, signed me up to Blogger in 2008 it wasn't until a year later on the 18th of April (coincidentally our nephew's birthday) 2009 that I got to publish my first post, my first book review, LIFE CLASS by Pat Barker, appearing two days later on the 20th.
- The Twilight series. Not since Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling's Boy Wizard, became so popular can I remember so much fuss being made of a book and just as it wasn't only children who found HP irresistible, it was grown woman as well as the young adults to whom it was aimed that became so caught up with Bella and co many of them declaring themselves for Team Edward/Jacob.
- Getting back to Moment Number 1 .... Husband dearest finding me a copy of The Pebbles Go To Town. A nostalgic soul at heart I'd always wanted a copy of the first ever book I'd bought but alas it was no longer available new and searches of second hand book shops/charity shops/car boot sales/markets etc had all proved fruitless. Imagine then my delight when Hd presented me with a copy that he'd managed to track down on-line. And, joy of joys, that on reviewing it (see HERE) the author took the time to comment that he was glad I'd enjoyed it.
- My thoughts on books requested. Having volunteered to review for Newbooks magazine I was delighted to receive my first assignment but even more exciting was the first time an actual publisher and then an author asked me, yes, little old me, to read and review their book. Such an honour, I can't begin to tell you how delighted I was and how proud my family were.
- A new genre. A fairly eclectic reader, though I do draw the line at some book types, I'm willing to give most genres a go at least once and so was delighted when I got to sample my first ever 'Western' or, as my granddad called them, 'Cowboy and Indian' thanks to Naida. OK, written with women in mind and dubbed by some as a 'RomCow' (Romantic Cowboy) this is hardly typical of the genre but, still, a first for me.
- Published. My latest bookish 'memory'? I was overjoyed to have my book review of Wayne McCauley's The Cook published in issue number 73 of Newbooks magazine.

So, what are your bookish memories?
Disclaimer: Removal of any part of this post without my express consent is considered copyright infringement. This post was created by and for Petty Witter @ Pen and Paper. If you are reading this post on any other site please contact the original blog owner/reviewer.
interesting post tracy:)
I read a book about a unicorn on my first library visit. :)
Wonderful post....loved the walk down your bookish memory lane. I don't remember my first time in a library but then again, it seems like in my youth we practically LIVED there. ^_^ Yep, born reader... *high five*
I really enjoyed this post, Tracy, Thanks for sharing!
What a great list of firsts! I still remember my first library visit too, although I have no clue what book was the first I bought or some of those others. :)
At the outset let me thank you for your kind visit to my blog.
Petty Witter is a familiar name often seen in other blogs but this is the first time I visited your blog and found it profitable.I have added my email to the subscription list.
Your bookish memories revealed your reading habit and brought to my memory the county libraries in every US town where one can lose himself among the books.To be frank I hardly read books these days.
Thank you again
Romcow?? Now that could be insulting. LOL
Oh I love the bookish memories. What a great post!
Great Bookish Memories Tracy! Awwww about hubby finding you a copy of The Pebbles Go To Town and the author taking time to comment.
Glad to see the RomCow made it onto your list when for trying new genres.
I'd say some of my top bookish memories are having Dean Koontz send me an autographed copy of his novel after reading a fan letter I sent him. Another was being quoted on the back of a book :)
Hi Tracy,
Like yourself, memories of Saturday afternoon visits to the library, as a family, are still very vivid.
Being old enough to qualify for a ticket into the adult side of the library, was amazing, although of course my choice of book, was always parent vetted!
Having a new book bought for me, remained strictly in the realms of birthdays and Christmas, although I did have a new book bought to start my collection for the new bookcase dad made for me, when I was in hospital having my tonsils and adenoids removed.
My greatest thrill lately,was seeing my name in print in two books, within the space of a couple of months. Particularly 'The Moon Coin' by Richard Due, where my name featured prominently on the dustjacket. It is an amazing feeling and has been a big boost at a time when I was getting a little undecided about whether to continue blogging or not.
A really interesting post to read, Tracy.
Take Care,
I was a book fanatic for as long as I can remember. I had my story books memorized first and then attempted to learn to read from them. It didn't take long for me to begin reading fast and furious. Books were the one thing my mother did not refuse me. My mother was a big reader too and visited the library often and had to take me with her so I don't recall my first visit. I do remember being only about 6 or 7 and jumping on the bus to go downtown to visit the library with a friend. Amazing that kids could do such things back then. I read to my kids every night even after they could read themselves ie: the Narnia Chronicles. They are all readers too. Even the dyslexic one.
Your bookish memories post is wonderful! While I have a lot of recent bookish memories, yours date all the way back to your childhood. I am not sure when I made my first trip to the public library, but I remember thinking as a child that I was in a very special place. I'm not sure either what my first book was, but I still have three very simple picture books by D. Bruna which are on my shelf. Lovely post today! :)
I just read that post on your first book ever read, it must have given you so much joy!! This post made for a very good read as I came to know so much about you. Have a nice day Tracy :)
Amazing how one would never forget the first book they bought. :) So glad your husband insisted on you blogging, Petty. And how special was it that the author wrote to you? Keep reading and reviewing!
What a wonderful list! I wish I could remember my first trip to the library or first book I bought. I do remember plenty of library trips growing up, just not the first, so I guess that's something. Your mention of Twilight reminded me of the first and only time I've been to a midnight release. It was for the final Harry Potter book. The store was so crowded, but it was such fun!
I think my favorite and most treasured bookish memory is when my husband gave me his Mercedes Lackey books. We were dating at the time and for him to give up his precious books was, well, it was unheard of. I knew then that he really truly loved me.
I love this post! I remember my first library visit, too. It was so exciting to get my own card. As a child I would check out however many books they would allow me. Once I checked out 8 Nancy Drew books while on vacation to visit my family in Minnesota (I got a temporary library card-lol). :)
I think the book bus sounds fabulous!
Books are magic!
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