Participated in by several of my blogger buddies, Suko and Yvonne included. Whilst, not a regular contributor, when I do contribute its generally a word ... or four. However this Wednesday I'm bringing you what could potentially be 84 Wondrous Words.
Created by two artists who collated and researched the words, the Lost Dialects exhibition (running from the 1st of February through to the 15th of September you can find out more here) captures a language that is in danger of being lost forever allowing visitors to take a rubbing of their favourite Geordie words and vote on whether they want to ‘use’ or ‘lose’ them'.
Its interesting to note some spellings varied enormously, suggesting the words were spoken more than they were written, that as the Head of Culture at the venue where the exhibition is being held said...
“ ... it is about capturing a language that is in danger of being lost forever.
"Increasingly we communicate via technology and spellcheckers don’t recognise dialect. So, if you type the word ‘clarty’, (dirty) it will autocorrect it to clarity, for example. This will make it harder for written dialect words to survive, which is why this project is more than just a trip down memory lane – it is a record of our regional identity.”
10 of the oddest words to come up ...
- Corrie fisted - left-handed
- Fuddleskelly - untidy in appearance
- Caggle - to lean back on a chair
- Spiflicate - to smack someone who’s in trouble
- Tranklements - ornaments
- Fuggie crack - a smack on the back of the head after a haircut at the barber’s
- Bullock walloper - a man who drives cows to market
- Dilk - bow and arrow
- Rile - to lean back on two legs of a chair
- Soogie - to enjoy a long, hot bubble bath
10 of the 'nicest' words ...
- Fubsy - short or squat
- Sprouters - young children
- Giddy kipper - a bit silly
- Plarpy - dough-like
- Proggles - stinging nettles
- Bubble - to cry
- Orly gorlies - the giggles
- Tappy lappy - walking slowly
- Gruns - tea leaves
- Scramptions - extra batter bits with your chips
'Bubble' was commonly used by my grandparents and whilst I have heard the word 'giddy' used to describe someone who is a bit silly; a bit dizzy I've not come across 'giddy kipper'. As for 'scramptions'? Hmm! A case in point RE the spelling of words. I'm not sure how this is in fact spelt but to spell it phonetically, I, my family and my friends knew the extra batter you asked for with your chips as 'scranchings'.
For 64 more Wondrous (slang) Words (from the north east of England) this Wednesday click here.

I love these posts as I love discovering unusual works. I do not think that I have come across any of these before. I think that my favorite is Fuddleskelly.
Yeah, I've only heard giddy...but I guess that's the full phrase? Interesting! I could go for a nice soogie right about now. ;)
These words are so much fun! Thanks for sharing!
Too much fun! Favorite....Fuddleskelly! :)
Haha, I haven't heard any of these words but they are great fun. I love Soogie, so descriptive. :D
What a fun post, Tracy! Scramptions (that autocorrected on my laptop twice before I made it take the correct spelling) is what I always called "crumbs" back in the days I still ate stuff that left behind any fried bits of batter. (always the best part, IMO!)
Loved the post and enjoyed the smiles I got while reading it.
sherry @ fundinmental
Hi Tracy,
I work with someone who comes from just slightly further up country than yourself, in County Durham and I have never heard her use any of these words or expressions before.
Having said that, she is fond of forever reminding me that she is most definitely not a Geordie and in fact there seems to be quite a firmly entrenched rivalry between the two areas!
The one thing we do both have in common is 'scramptions', as from her northerly perspective and my own very definite southerly background, we both call them 'scraps', in fact we were only discussing the subject with some of our fellow colleagues at work, just the other day!
What a fun post, I have made a list to show her tomorrow, it will make our day less stressful, as we have an area manager and sales director visit!!!
Yvonne :) xx
I have always loved words and
language. And I enjoyed your
post very much. I loved all of
the words which you shared here
with us (but was not familiar
with these).
What a fun post! Soogie appeals to me this cool, damp night,although I wish it were a noun as well. Thank you for the mention (I am overdue for a new WWW post). These Geordie words are wondrous. :)
Can't say I've heard of any of these words, but they sure sound fun!
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