Such beautiful words, don't you think?

Becoming increasingly fascinated by crystals etc I was interested to read this post on auras over at Sherry's Mama Diaries.

- Pertains to the third eye and pituitary gland. It is the colour of deep feeling, intuition and sensitivity.
What about you, what colour is your aura? Click here to find out.

I am not sure what color my aura is, but this is fascinating! Have a wonderful weekend, Tracy. I have not been blogging (or reading) much lately, but I hope to return to these pursuits soon. :)
Thanks for stopping by Suko. I've included the link to the site which I visited to find out the colour of my aura.
Very interesting to know about the concept of auras and I am tempted to read more over at the link you have shared, but I guess I will need some more time to figure out my aural color. Many thanks for sharing this Tracy, I absolutely loved the banner quote in the beginning!
There are far more colors listed there than I expected to see. I'll have to figure mine out.
I love the quote you shared at the top of your post.
How neat. I am sure the kids would love this as a little science experiment.
How curious!
I couldn't see a color, but my coworker says my color is lavender. She "read" several other people in the office for the fun of it too. Thank you for giving us some fun in our otherwise ordinary day, Tracy. :-)
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