AMAZON.CO.UK BLURB: One single mum.
With two jobs and two children, Jess Thomas does her best day after day. But its hard on your own. And sometimes you take risks you shouldn't. Because you have to ....
One chaotic family.
Jess's gifted, quirky daughter Tanzie is brilliant with numbers, but without a helping hand she'll never get the choice to shine. And Nicky, Jess's teenage stepson, can't fight the bullies alone.
Sometimes Jess feels like they're sinking.
- Click on book title to view full synopsis.
FIRST SENTENCE {Chapter 1: Jess}: The irony did not escape Jessica Thomas that she lost the best job she'd ever had because of a diamond.
MEMORABLE MOMENT {Page 298}: I have eaten an apple that had been down the too-tight trousers of a teenage boy and a kebab that for all I know contained human flesh.*1
SOURCE: Ex-library stock minus its dust jacket hence the lack of the cover image.
MY THOUGHTS: Unless its one of my favourite authors it isn't very often that I opt for a book based on its author (the book was missing its cover so I had no idea what it was about) but such has been my enjoyment of two of JoJo Moye's books that I simply had to have this one.
Essentially what I thought of not so much a family saga or a romance (though there are elements of both) as a 'road trip' novel with a difference.
Whilst by no means my favourite novel by this author, as enjoyable as the story is for the most part it is very predictable. The One Plus One never the less had all of the trademarks - an insightful and intuitive depth of writing, in this instance full of current issues (bullying, cyber bullying, the use of social media, marital breakdown etc) and characters that you find yourself aching for - that I have come to associate with her writing.
*1 Please note this is part of a much longer sentence in which one of the character is discussing his thoughts on the previous three days. TT

Thanks to you, I read (and loved) a book by this author several years ago. Based on that, I picked up another for mere pennies at a going out of business sale. I really need to pull it off the shelf and see if it lives up to my expectations.
I'm glad you found this one enjoyable, even if not her best effort.
I've only read a couple of other Jojo Moyes books and I enjoyed both of them so I'll have to check this one out too! - Tasha
Good to hear it was still enjoyable even if not favorite by this author
Sometimes it's good to take a chance on an unknown story, especially if it's by an author you've enjoyed before! Sounds like it was still a good read, even if not your favorite. Will have to check her out, as I've never read JoJo Moyes.
Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...
Hi Tracy,
I haven't read any of JoJo Moyes books, although her name has been on my list for some time now.
I'm intrigued by your first line and wonder about the significance of a diamond.
I had a chuckle about the memorable line you chose to share. I can see that appealing to your sense of fun, although the very thought of someone actually eating that apple does feel me full of dread!
You managed to write a great review, without actually giving too much away and has definitely made 'The One Plus One' a book I should remember for the future.
Thanks for sharing :)
I LOVED this novel. Its the second of Moyes books that I've read and I'd say she's one of my favorite authors at this point.
Well, I do like the way it starts out. I am now curious about how a diamond effected Jessica's employment.
I have not read any by this author, but I think I'll need to read the full blurb.
Sounds curious. That memorable moment is a bit of a doozy though now isn't it? Glad it rated high overall for you and thanks for the share!
Terrific review, Tracy! I've only read Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, which I loved. I hope to read another book by this author before too long (not sure which yet).
That really is a memorable line that you picked.
I find that too much predictability can ruin a story for mr. It is good that other elements made up for it however.
I can highly recommend (and I'm sure Kelly will agree) Ship Of Brides as a great novel by her Suko.
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