WARNING: Whilst I endeavour to keep Media Monday family friendly I feel it only right to point out that some of the newspapers featured do have links to articles of a more adult nature. TT

Once upon a time there were three billy goats, and the name of all three was Gruff. One day the three Billy goats Gruff set off to the hills where the sweet grass grew. There they would eat and eat until they were fat.

Once upon a time there were three billy goats, and the name of all three was Gruff. One day the three Billy goats Gruff set off to the hills where the sweet grass grew. There they would eat and eat until they were fat.
On the way was a paper bridge over a stream, and under this bridge there lived a troll.
- Adapted from The Three Billy Goat's Gruff.
Made up of 22,000 sheets of paper and boasting no glue, bolts or any other fittings an artist from Teesdale has spent three years developing and constructing a fully functioning Paper Bridge.
"Just wait, Gretel, until the moon rises, and then we shall see the crumbs of bread macaroni salad which I have strewn about, they will show us our way home again to the thieves."
- Adapted from Hansel And Gretel.
Having stolen a cash register and .... a bowl of macaroni salad which they had seemingly snacked on as they made their escape thieves in Livingston County, New York, were found by police officers who followed the trail of macaroni salad remains.
Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a Greggs pie.
- Adapted from Sing A Song Of Sixpence.
A pastry loving purloiner wanted by Trowbridge police turned himself in after two months on the run because he wanted to be able to get a Greggs without the fear of being arrested.
And now for the other news ...
A Surrey man who regularly suffered a blocked nose sneezed out the cause - the sucker of a toy dart stuck up his nostril for 44 years.
The headline I probably shouldn't have laughed at .... but did ...
Mourners follow wrong hearse for nine miles.
And finally, one from Mr T ...
A four-year-old Doncaster boy has been reunited with his Star Wars Lego figure which was lost in a ballot box during the recent election.
And now for the other news ...
A Surrey man who regularly suffered a blocked nose sneezed out the cause - the sucker of a toy dart stuck up his nostril for 44 years.
The headline I probably shouldn't have laughed at .... but did ...
Mourners follow wrong hearse for nine miles.
And finally, one from Mr T ...
A four-year-old Doncaster boy has been reunited with his Star Wars Lego figure which was lost in a ballot box during the recent election.

Wow, a toy stuck up your nose for THAT long? that's crazy!!!
Hi Tracy,
I saw the lego toy article and the sneezed out toy.
But my favourite this week has to be the paper bridge, which I just had to tweet to our fellow paper loving bloggers :)
The most pathetic story has to be the one about the villain who couldn't live without his Greggs. I have to confess that we only live about 6 miles away from Trowbridge and the shop where I work in Warminster, is right next door to a Greggs, so guess where we go for lunch?
Great post as always, thanks for sharing :)
I couldn't even imagine what it would be like having a dart stuck up your nose for that long!
Aren't you clever! I love how you tied the first three stories into fairy tales. :D
I'm glad I clicked on the dart story. I understand now how it could happen. I was having trouble believing a person could have a whole dart (stick part included) up their nose, have it fit, not know it, and for that long!
Always clean up after yourself when stealing macaroni salad. So glad that kid got his figurine back. :)
Pretty incredible stories this week, Tracy! My favorite is the story of the paper bridge. :)
As pleasant as reading fairy tales.
That bridge is incredible.
I hope that it will be brought indoors and preserved.
I absolutely love the bridge. We go to the Lake District every year usually but sadly not going this year until at least the autumn, so the bridge will have gone. I would have love to have tried it! x
Love how you turned some of the stories into nursery rhymes! Very clever! And the paper bridge is amazing! It's funny how stupid so many crooks are, but guess that makes them easier to catch. Thanks for sharing these with us, as I can always count on you finding something to make me smile! :)
Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...
Oh my, that toy in the nose makes me wonder if my niece has any up there still. 3 times she had toys removed.
LOL. I love the nursery rhyme tie in magic you worked there...though I'm not sure which I found funnier: the guy with the sucker up his nose or the macaroni snacking thieves!
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