* Also published as The Bat Pack.
BACK COVER BLURB: 'This could be their big chance!'
A top Hollywood producer thinks the twins are The Next Big Thing. But a wooden stake would be better at acting than Ivy. And Olivia has to keep quiet about her real-life role, as superstar Jackson's girlfriend.
But a jealous vampire actress might blow the coffin lid off the secret ...
FIRST SENTENCE {Chapter One}: I'm not dreaming, Olivia Abbott thought.
MEMORABLE MOMENT {Page 11}: Underneath the regular FoodMart was the Bloodmart, where any vamp who was anyone in Franklin Grove went to stock up on all their midnight snacks. Biting people was so last century.
SOURCE: Ex-library stock.
MY THOUGHTS: Billed on amazon.co.uk as a 'vampire book for girls who want to read about young love and innocent paranormal romance' I must admit to being intrigued by these books.
Definitely more of a read for those wanting a story of friendship, love, fashion and red carpets than those looking for an action fuelled novel.
I dare say a novel enjoyed by its target audience of those aged eight to twelve. For myself whilst I found this an engaging enough read (and perhaps I should just celebrate it as such) I couldn't help but feel somewhat dismayed that here was a novel that though slightly tempered by Ivy's reluctance to join her twin sister as the 'next big thing' celebrated 'celebrity culture' when what I'd really like to see are more books lauding young girls for their intelligence.

Well I don't mind friendship based rather than action laden so sounds like it may work
As I said perhaps I was reading too much into what was otherwise a nice enough story about friendship (and lets face it who doesn't like a story about this) but I do find myself becoming increasingly frustrated by the so-called 'celeb culture'.
I can understand what you're saying about the celebrity business and agree. Too much emphasis is placed on that these days (IMO).
That aside, I'm not sure this would have appealed to me, even at the appropriate age. I did enjoy your memorable moment, though, liking the idea of the hidden "Bloodmart" beneath the regular store.
Sounds cute. Not sure if my little cousins would be into it (or rather their parents) but it does sound fun enough to suggest.
Two is always better then one.
Tracy, thank you for your honest and charming review of this novel.
It would be nice to see more books for this age group laud the intelligence of young girls. I can see why this book would appeal to the younger set though.
this one sounds nice and sweet for youngers.
Sounds like a cute alternative for the younger set seeking paranormal fun. I see your concerns or rather preference but I feel there's a place for both. Enjoyed the share!
Sounds like a cute read for the younger set! Sad to say that my niece is now too old for this type of book. They grow up so fast!
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