BACK COVER BLURB: Miranda Heath is a quirky fifteen-year-old with cinematic dreams and a safe, predictable family. That is until she decides to pull at the loose end that is the estranged husband her aunt never divorced. What seemed like the best way to allow her aunt to get on with her life sets off a series of events that threaten to turn Mandy's world upside down. Suddenly, she's embarking on adventurous road trips, becoming the center of an increasingly unstable household, meeting surprising strangers, and seeing everyone she knows in new ways. Sometimes loose ends just want to stay loose. But what happens if they want to unravel completely?
FIRST SENTENCE {Chapter One}: Have you ever heard of a guy named Proust?
MEMORABLE MOMENT {Page 59}: See, here's the thing: I was smart enough to see things coming, and I knew that womanhood, love, and fornication were inevitable. But I wished I had a little more time to be a girl.
SOURCE: Received for review from the author. Whilst I know Molly through our blogs and via FaceBook this had no bearing on my review or my opinions which as always remain mine and mine alone.
MY THOUGHTS: Good story telling with well rounded characters. Whilst I fear some readers will argue Keep The Ends Loose is naively written I personally thought the author did a first class job in capturing the angst so common to teenagers, of getting into the mind-set of the the main character, the somewhat naive if wonderfully quirky fifteen year old Miranda (aka Mandy).
A tale of self discovery, a story of what happens when life has some surprises in store. Though a novel for young adults with its warmth and wit, a wit that I'm pleased to say transcends what is sometimes a subtle difference between the American and English sense of humour, I'm sure this will prove to have a much wider appeal.

I don’t think this one is for me, but that’s fine because I have a list as long as my arm (mostly thanks to your brilliant reviews!) Have a great week, Barbara.
The blurb sounds good and you confirmed this thought with your review. I'm not in the market for a teen novel, but this would certainly fit the bill for me if I were.
I think that is a good read , wonderful review again Tracy as always. :)
Hi Tracy,
I do read YA fiction from time to time, but generally only if approached by author or publisher for a review, so this probably isn't one for me.
It was interesting to note, when checking out book and author at Goodreads, that the positive reviews and ratings came from a slightly older audience, whilst many of the YAs themselves, rather ridiculed it, for exactly the point you made about the naivety of the writing.
I know what you mean about the differences between some of the US and UK sense of humour, although sometimes it is not all that subtle. I actually enjoy some of the US humour and comedians, although I do always have to think before writing anything, when responding to comments left by a US blogger, author or publisher, as remarks have often been misconstrued!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)
I am glad you liked this one, Tracy! I have been curious about this one. It sounds like the author does a good job of capturing her characters.
Good review! I'm not sure this one would appeal to my teenage daughter, but I'll keep it in mind.
Tracy, I'm glad you enjoyed this YA book. It sounds quite appealing to me.
Sounds interesting. I hadn't heard of this one, but it's great to hear you think the author did a good job with the narrator's voice/age.
This sounds interesting, will be adding to my To Read list on Amazon! Lovely review as always Tracy! - Tasha
I loved the teasers you shared and your review has me thinking this is one I would enjoy.
Glad to hear you enjoyed it my friend! I was curious to see another's experience in comparison to my own. Thanks furfor the share!
Wonderfully reviewed as always. I think I would love picking this one as I love stories that have an essence of self discovery, sounds quite interesting too!
This sounds very good.
Great point regarding the differences in US and UK humor. I suspect that one can write entire books about it. As an American this might be odd thing to say, but I think that I prefer the British variety.
It osunds like a very nice one even if some aspect a re a bit naive.
Sounds like a lovely read! Glad you enjoyed it!
Lovely review, not one I'd heard of before I don't think ,thanks for telling us about it. Pretty cover too.
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