BACK COVER BLURB: One woman. One cat. Two very different ways of thinking.
The second in the Chatty Cat series follows Chatty Cat through spring and summer in her new home as she gradually learns to relax and enjoy her surroundings.
"The sun has warmed up the ground and now the sun is shining on my tummy and making it nice and warm. It's all quiet in the garden and I fall asleep. I am dreaming ..."
Life still holds a few surprises for Chatty, with new friends and new experiences. Chatty Cat is a real rescue cat in a real home and her adventures provide a useful guide to caring for your pet.
It's not just a manual - but it will help you look after your cat. It's not just a story - but you can read it like one. It's not just a children's book - but children of all ages will love it, and so will adults.
Suzan Collins has a real knack for getting into Chatty Cat's head and explaining her behaviour in ways that everyone can recognise.

FIRST SENTENCE {Getting Comfortable}:
When I first moved in Jade used to use up most of the bed and there wasn't room for me.
When I first moved in Jade used to use up most of the bed and there wasn't room for me.
MEMORABLE MOMENT {Page 74}: My paws slide on the laminate flooring. I meow. 'Wheeeeeeee' as I slide along the floor. What great fun! Then I go upstairs and snooze on the bed.
MY THOUGHTS: The perfect read for those considering allowing a cat into their lives. With its mix of anecdotes chronicling the daily activities of the talkative rescue cat and her 'hooman' Jade (aka Suzan), useful information on the caring of a cat, illustrations, actual photographs and video footage Chatty Cat: Spring Into Summer along with its predecessor Chatty Cat: The First Six Months is as entertaining as it is educational.
Wonderfully insightful with regards to all things feline. This second instalment deals especially well with communication. Communication, 'verbal' and non-verbal. Communication between Chatty Cat and Jade and Chatty Cat and the critters she encounters (other cats, a butterfly and a wasp included) as she 'trains her hooman', discovers 'the collar tree' and finds herself in a fix in the 'herring cupboard'.

This sounds absolutely delightful! I've grown so interested in cats since I acquired several "grandkitties" and maybe this would be a good series for me. :)
Tracy, this sounds like the purrfect (sorry, couldn't resist) book for cat fanciers! I enjoyed your review of Chatty Cat Spring into Summer.
Sounds like an adorable story! And does this mean there might be a cat joining the Terry household sometime soon? ;)
Hi Tracy, I remember reading your review of the first book in the series. I added that one to my must-read list but have not got to it yet – perhaps I should read them both together they certainly sound entertaining.
I love cats.
My wife loves them even more then I do. I am going to shoe her the link to this series as I think that she would really like these books.
Congraties! It does sound like a good book to give to my kitty peeps!
Aw, this sounds really cute. I do love cats. :)
Oh yay. always fun to see your name in a book
Hi Tracy,
What an excellent post, such fun to read!
However, as I am anything but a cat lover, this isn't a book that would really interest me, although it sounds as though Suzan has the perfect way of getting the message across in a down to earth, no nonsense style.
I am totally in favour of searching out a rescue animal as a new family pet, before trying other avenues. There are just so many abandoned animals in rescue centres, that it makes such perfect sense and educating and encouraging children to think the same way, can only be for the future good.
I have had my name in the acknowledgements of a couple of books now and it really does feel good, doesn't it? It is always nice to feel appreciated for all the hard work we put into promoting a book and author, even though it is actually a labour of love in most cases!
Have a good week :)
How exciting to be acknowledged in a book! This does sound an enjoyable and useful book. As you know, I am a big fan of cats. :-)
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