14 Mar 2013



Dante Valentine's working relationship with the Devil wasn't her choice - but you can't turn down a contract with Lucifer and live.

Hired to kill fugitive Vardimal Santino, Dante's only allies are a demon familiar she doesn't trust and a small band of psychics. The thing is Dante doesn't need friends, she needs a miracle. Because the first time Dante Valentine met Santino, she almost died.
....Outer back cover.

FIRST SENTENCE (Chapter 1): My working relationship with Lucifer began on a rainy Monday.

MEMORABLE MOMENT: The idea of a demon eating pizza for the first time. PW

MY THOUGHTS: What turns out to be part 1 in the Dante Valentine series, convinced I'd joined the series mid-way through I'm now even more confused by certain elements of the story which I presumed had been covered in previous book(s).

Set in a world far advanced of ours (my mind keeps returning to Blade Runner, The Fifth Element and that ilk) I found myself increasingly frustrated and irritated by the fact that I was just expected to know what all of the gadgets and gizmos were - once again something I thought I'd miss in previous offerings.

Not at all enamoured with our leading lady, Dante (Danny), either. Not just a tough heroine (a characteristic I normally quite like) I found her downright mean and lacking in any redeeming features.

All in all lacking in any real pace, at best I found Working For The Devil relentlessly boring, at worst, not worth the read. Thank goodness than for Japhrimel (Jaf') who, quite unlike any demon I've come across before, made the book at least remotely interesting.

KEEP IT OR NOT?: Thankfully a 10p ex-library stock buy, this will be sent to a friend to see what she makes of it.

Disclaimer #1 :Removal of any part of this post without my express consent is considered copyright infringement. This post was created by and for Petty Witter @ Pen and Paper. If you are reading this post on any other site please contact the original blog owner/reviewer.


Mary (Bookfan) said...

Oh well. At least you can pass it to a friend :)

Kelly said...

I just hate when I end up feeling that way about the leading character in a book.

chitra said...

Hi, PW,
Long time. I went on a tour and then later got busy with my routine putting things in order. Hoping to get back to my normal schedule soon. thanks for stopping by ..
I have also enabled comment moderation with word verification. recently I found about 300 odd spams comments in my sinle post.:(

Unknown said...

Too bad you felt like you were missing part of the story. I HATE that feeling! I always avoid reading from the middle of a series, because of that - but if it were the first? Yick!

Suko said...

Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts. I enjoyed the opening line and the memorable moment. It sounds as if this book did not live up to its potential.

Heather said...

I've read other books where the author must have assumed we'd been happy just accepting certain items in the story without an explanation of what they are. not me. And if I can't like the main character then it's even hard to finish the book.

The Bookworm said...

That's a shame, I've never heard of these books. If I can't like the main character, it does put a damper on the reading.

brandileigh2003 said...

Aw, sorry you didn't enjoy Danny and felt confused. I hate when that happens.
Hope your next read is better.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Too bad you didn't like the book. However, I have found that some UF books get better as you read. I still want to read this series and I'd be curious to see if I'd feel the same.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Bummer you didn't like this. It sounds like a book that would be more intersting...but I don't want an MC that's too difficult to like. Plus, confusing storylines are never too fun!

Sandy M. said...

Good to know, thank you! :)

Stephanie@Fairday's Blog said...

It will be interesting for you to chat with your friend about this one. Thanks for your insight.

Betty Manousos said...

i really appreciate your thoughts.

when i read, i'm looking for characters that inspire me or whom i can relate to..if i don't care about the main character, why would i read it?
