14 May 2012


Cutest animal picture of the week?

The world's smallest Egyptian tortoises go on display in the UK.
The critically endangered Egyptian tortoises are the world’s smallest and weigh just 3g (0.1oz).
They were born at Marwell Wildlife, near Winchester, Hampshire and are currently just over a week old.* More 

OR even more cute?

A tiny mouse peeks out from wheat stalks then clambers on to a twig and swings by its tail.
Just 2in long and weighing less than a 2p piece, it’s Britain’s smallest rodent.
And despite the big eyes it can barely see. But it does have excellent hearing — so it doesn’t need to ask pals to squeak up. More

'Smurfed' the internet lately? These colourful characters are proving an online hit.

Scores of Hartlepool United fans dressed as the comic strip characters on an away-day trip to London have become an online sensation
The supporters – in white overalls, blue tops, white beards, blue faces and white hats – travelled down for their side’s final match of the season against Charlton. More

And more from the wonderful world of footie .......

It would be enough to confuse even the most experienced of commentators - a game of football where every player shares the same surname.
In fact not only did all 22 players have the surname ‘Bungay’, so did the referee, linesmen and substitutes.
The charity match, played in - where else? - the town of Bungay, Suffolk, was the brainchild of Shaun Cole, 51, who works for Bungay Town FC.
He sent invitations to people called Bungay living in Britain and even Australia and America. More

Bicycle powered tv?

Guests in the 'Standing Hat' room at Cottage Lodge in the village of Brockenhurst, can now keep fit, watch their favourite programmes, and do their bit for the environment using bicycle-powered technology.
The room also features low-energy lighting, solar panels and a wood-burning stove to produce hot water, and a low-flow toilet and shower to reduce water use. More

My favourite article of the week?

Endless roadworks have driven a resident to change a 'men at work' road sign  into one showing a contractor sitting down having a drink and smoking.
Residents in Melksham, Wilts, have endured months of delays around the town because of ongoing engineering.
The good-humoured ’artist’ has redone the sign to let contractors know what locals think. More

One of those articles that had me asking ....... and we need to know this because?

The question of whether donkeys are stubborn or simply 'misunderstood' has been discussed at a conference held by a leading British university.
Donkeys and mules have been associated with stubbornness since before Christ after being labelled as 'stupid, servile and stubborn' by Ancient Greek writers Homer and Aesop. More

A 'veggie' shark, really?

A shark called Florence living in Birmingham has given up eating fish - for vegetables.
She is snubbing fish and octopus at her aquarium — to get her Jaws on lettuce and cucumber. More

* Like tortoises? If you haven't already seen them click HERE for my tortoise jokes.


serendipity_viv said...

I want a bicycle powered TV! Just the thing for multi tasking.

The Bookworm said...

Awwwwwww.....about those tiny turtles!

StarTraci said...

The turtles are too precious! My favorite, though, is the Road Work sign. I live in a city that has been "Under Construction" as long as I have lived here so I really appreciate the sign of the worked taking a cig break!


ashok said...

turtles are too cute

Kelly said...

Those little tortoises are really cute!!

I love the altered road work sign.

Suko said...

Those tiny tortoises are too adorable! Too bad they're endangered--I'd love to have a couple as pets. As for the rest of the post, I always enjoy your collection of random tidbits. The revamped men at "work" sign is hilarious!

Bookingly Yours said...

LOve the turtles! So cutteee!

I know one veggie shark, according to very friendly Bruce (shark - Finding Nemo) Fish are friends not food! lol

Joan said...

hi love the tortoises ah I want one,
And hey thanks for comment on my blog I'm glad to be back up and running again

Jenners said...

Ooohhh…those little tortoises are adorable!! I want one! Why are things that are so tiny so cute?

NRIGirl said...

Aaawwng! Cho chweet - the mouse!

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Great stories especially the animal ones. The shark reminds me of Finding Nemo: "Fish are friends not food". :D

DMS said...

The bicycle powered tv is a good idea- and could certainly help couch potatoes. Those minature tortoises are too cute! Also- the road sign had me cracking up. :)

Colors and Grays said...

cute turtles..... can I have 'em as pets? lol

Karen said...

I die of cuteness overload! The Smurf guys were pretty funny too. I think that would freak me out if I saw them though.
I also love the roadwork signs lol

Gina said...

This post is just TOO CUTE! Love the turtles and the itty bitty mouse. OMG....that's a LOT of smurfs!

chitra said...

Tiny tortoises are cute.

Betty Manousos said...

awwww, those tiny turtles are so cute! i've never seen anything like this before.
thanks for sharing:)

big hugs!

Full-On-Forward said...

Great post! The Turtles are soooo cool!

Good job my friend--still grinning!


Haddock said...

Like that change in the sign board.