Sam, Dwight's estranged college-age son, has shown up without warning, fleeing a devastating incident in his own life. In its way, Sam's sense of guilt is as crushing as his father's. As the two men are forced to confront their similar natures and their half-buried hopes for connection, they must also search for redemption and love. In turn, they dramatically transform the lives of the women around them: the ex-wives, mothers and lovers they have turned to in their desperate attempts to somehow rewrite, outrun or eradicate the past.
..... Inner front cover.
MEMORABLE MOMENT (Page 91): Historically, pots and pans in the hands of aggrieved women are not my friends ......
MY THOUGHTS: A story of relationships, of the power of family ties. Sounds good? So why then was I so strangely unmoved by what was billed as an 'at once tough and heart-lifting, an urgent, powerful story about family bonds'?
Sadly not a novel that I enjoyed. Too fragmented; I found the story which, chapter by chapter, was narrated by one of several characters disjointed, the fact that the chapters were so short and snappy making it seem even more so.
Though without a doubt beautifully written, it was too 'flowery' for my liking and I can't help but wonder if the story might have made more of an impact if it had been less so. Then there were all the Americanisms and, though I believe they were intended as a metaphor, the occasional use of sporting terms which meant nothing to me.
Interesting that the main-stay of the story (Dwight) should tell his story in the first person whilst others tell theirs in the third, but then again it is his actions, his complex, complicated relationship with his son (Sam), that ties the story together thus providing for me what was the only noteworthy aspect of the novel.
DISCLAIMER: Read and reviewed on behalf of NEWBOOKS MAGAZINE, I was merely asked for my honest opinion, no financial compensation was asked for nor given.

Certainly the plot seems very interesting and the family and relationship based book that it is, should have been a good read. But then its not written that well, I feel.
As always reviewed beautifully.
Have a fantastic week ahead Tracy:)
Huh...I would've never pegged this one to have "flowery" writing. Curious. Better luck on your next read!
I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this one. It does sound like the premise had promise, but just didn't "work". Good review.
i'm sorry you did not enjoy that novel, tracy.
not a book i'd enjoy either, i liked the book cover though.
Sorry you didn't enjoy this one more. Hopefully, the next book you read will be a keeper.
Too bad it was a letdown, thanks for the honest review.
As usual your reviews seem more interesting than the book. :)))
I'm not a fan of fragmented novels either. Plus, sometimes I wonder if flowery sometimes hides the lack of skill. Sometimes that is the case. Well, hopefully the next one rocks for you.
The pots and pans quote made me giggle!
Yeah, flowery language can we hard to wade through in some reading-moods of mine :)
Thanks for stopping by earlier!
Sorry to hear that you did not like this one! The plot and inner flap sound so promising!
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