Yes, today sees the second blogoversary of Pen and Paper so pull on your party hats and help me blow out the candles.
And whilst doing so how about joining me in wishing our nephew, who is 18 today, a very happy birthday.

PS. Today's Monday Media post is postponed until tomorrow.
Congrats to you!
I remember when this blog was still "Crayons and Jotter" - my, how it has grown up quickly.
I have been following you from 10-12 months... Enjoyed each and every post of yours... Want to say Thank You for constantly encouraging me with your comments, you were one of my earliest followers...
Congrats on completing 2 wonderful years, may we celebrate many more such anniversaries...
Have a lovely day:)
Also wish your nephew a very Happy Birthday:)
Is it really two years! Wow congratulations on reaching two.
Happy blogiversary, Petty! Your blog is unique and entertaining. Here's to many more years of blogging!
The astonishing thing is that you never run short of ideas!
Congratulations on your anniversary!! Hard to believe it's been that long.
Birthday greetings to your nephew, too!
Happy blogversary to you! And happy birthday to your nephew.
Happy Blogoversary!!! :)
Congrats and happy b-day to the nephew!
Hee hee... love the cartoon!
Happy blogversay ,here is to many more ,all the best stu
Hearty congrats to you Petty! Happy Birthday to your nephew!!
Many congrats to you, dear friend and keep writing. You've got an Award so please visit my blog to collect it.
HI Dear PW, Have you completed 2 years. Years are fleeting past. Never knew about it as I also started blogging about the same time.
Our friendship is nearly 2 years old. I feel so happy. I think, that also calls for another celebration
I am on and off in the blogging world due to my hectic work schedule. last few days my right shoulder and hand is giving me problems and I am unable to type as it is giving me pain. this is done with my single left hand.
Congratulations dear PW . May God bless you, may you write and enthrall your readers more and more
Love from a dear friend
Happy Blog-birthday!
Congrats...and here's to many more years of blogging!!
Happy Birthday to your nephew, too!
Big hugs!
B xx
Many thanks for all your kind comments. It goes without saying that Pen and Paper would not be the same without you all.
Many thanks for the award Sanand.
I hope your hand and shoulder are soon better Chitra.
Congrats! Happy Blogoversary to you! Also, Happy Birthday to your nephew!
Congratulations and happy blogoversary!
My grandson will love that. Hey I tried to look for your address to email you back an dcouldn't find it - mine is
skcz at comcast dot net
Why aren't we following one another? I'd love to.
Time flies when you are having fun! Congrats on two years and here's to many more!
Happy (belated) Blogoversary and a very happy (belated) birthday to your nephew! *throws handfuls of confetti....BIG handfuls*
Congratulations! Happy Blogiversary!
Happy blogiversrey!
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