"If mankind had to choose between a universe that ignored him and one that noticed him to do harm, it might well choose the second. Our own age need not begin congratulting itself on its freedom from superstition till it defeats a more dangerous temptation to despair." - E.M.W. TILLYARD, THE ELIZABETHAN WORLD PICTURE.
Sad but true. Most would rather we well known for something (even something not so desirable) than not known at all. Definitely something to ponder.... Thanks for the "thoughtful" post!
Basically the quote is saying that many of us would rather be known for something/anything rather than be unknown. I could not help but think of all these so-called celebrities who are so desperate to be famous for fame's sake rather than be known for doing something of consequence.
Read it 2 to 3 times (or was it more?) until I gave up!
A tough advice.. I will say!
True words.
Words worth pondering. Thanks for this.
All the best, Boonie
Tough one to understand. will you simplify it for me?
Sad but true. Most would rather we well known for something (even something not so desirable) than not known at all. Definitely something to ponder....
Thanks for the "thoughtful" post!
Basically the quote is saying that many of us would rather be known for something/anything rather than be unknown. I could not help but think of all these so-called celebrities who are so desperate to be famous for fame's sake rather than be known for doing something of consequence.
The quote is so true! Thanks for posting this! People can be so desperate for fame....
I would so rather be ignored than remembered for doing harm...But I know what you mean...Sad but true...
Hmmmm... quite interesting. Kind of a sad statement when you think about it.
p.s. Your letter arrived. You'll hear back soon! (I hope)
Nice one. At this time, a line from the old TV series "Cheers" comes to my mind:
"You wanna be where everybody knows your name"
I enjoyed your "wise words". (It reminds me of children who act up for the sake of getting some attention.)
It's all a bit Nietzsche really. Man has killed God but what have we to put in place of God?
P.S. That's all a bit serious for you, are we feeling wistful?
My first reaction was "huh", then read it again and decided I'd rather the universe ignore me. :)
Great quote! Glad you enjoyed the baking soda tips and thanks for the other tip you passed along too! :o) Hugs my friend! xoxoxo
I'm not 100% sure I understand this ... I think I'll have to reread it a few more times.
Brilliant I say! Brilliant!
Thank you so much for the response.
So very true, thanks for sharing it!
B xx
P.S. I've being having big issues with my computer..sorry for being late to comment.
But better being late than never right.
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