Bubble Wrap!
Yeah kind of weird but not nearly as strange as you might think.
Bubble wrap turns 50 this month. Did you know .....
*It was first invented by Marc Chavannes ad Al Fielding as textured wallpaper.
* There are more than 50 Facebook pages devoted to Bubble Wrap.
* It's maker, Sealed Air, has global revenues of more than $4 billion.
* Sealed Air sells official Bubble Wrap merchandise - from sports bottles to beach towels.
* The top fan site, VIRTUAL-BUBBLEWRAP. COM, has identified eight different kinds of bubble, from 'snappers' (easy to pop and loud) to 'duds' (flatten with a disappointing fffsssss) and 'buddy bubbles' (reinflate a neighbouring bubble when squeezed).
Source - the Guardian.
AND, yes there's more, it gets even stranger, Bubble Wrap has it's own APPRECIATION DAY which falls on the last Monday in January (the 25th this year, shame we missed it but there is always next year). AND ........ there is a Bubble Wrap COMPETITION FOR YOUNG INVENTORS. Pretty impressive, don't you think?
But this post isn't all about Bubble Wrap, as the title says it's about two of my favourite things - the second of which I've already sort of mentioned.
Related to books, another of my favourite things is Storytelling.
I've always enjoyed having stories read to me but, even better still, as a child there were the tales that my grandad told us all about the adventures of our long lost relative Maggie Fishcake. Maggie Fishcake? Yes I know, goodness only knows where that name came from but I loved her and as a small child actually believed that she really existed.
I can also remember doing a spot of storytelling of my own to keep my (naughty?) little sister amused. Whenever we stayed at my grandparents house, which was fairly often, we shared this huge, ancient bed and every night, after my nana had read us a story book, I'd make up all these adventures set in a land that existed behind the air brick set in the wall above the window. Funny that I'd never thought of Maggie or that far away land until the other day when I read an article all about NATIONAL STORYTELLING WEEK which, set up to promote the oldest art form in the world, runs, this year, from today (the 30th of January) up until the 6th of February.
As a matter of interest, as a child what was your favourite story?
We have beautiful story of a crow and sparrow and this crow takes shelter in sparrow's house and eats all the fledglings at night. when sparrow comes to know, she heats a ladle and puts it on the tummy of the crow and all the hatch lings come out safe and sound. There's no logic in this but then that is why they are called stories. I have told this story hundred times to my son. And it was all narrated with necessary sound effects. I too enjoyed telling him. This story is passed down from generation to generation. My granny told this to me.
Happy 50th Birthday, Bubble Wrap! I also love the stuff! :-) Those were some very cool facts.
I did a post about Bubble Wrap on my blog a few days ago! Someone gave me a link to a site where you could pop virtual bubble wrap. It's great! Popping whenever you like!
Check it out and find the site...you'll love it!
I love Bubble Wrap! I love jumping on it. Yep, I really do!
I love bubble wrap- it's addictive!!
One of my favourite stories when I was little was "the unicorn and the moon". At least it was called something like that. There was a moon that got stuck between two mountains and the unicorn had to save it.
Anyway, these days my favourite children's book is "The Neverending Story".
I don't know about bubble wrap. But my fave story was "Little Red Riding Hood" My dad use to read that to me all the time :)
I love trivia so I really enjoyed this.
OMG, I just love the name Maggie Fishcake! As you may have read in my blog, I invented the name "Annabricks" for myself when I was around four. For some reason, I really loved that name! Will you please post some Maggie Fishcake stories?
Oh, bubble wrap of the snapper type is really excellent!
The other day I received a book in a special jiffy bag. My daughter asked me if she could have it, because she could snap the bubbles with a drawing pin and make the most delicous sounds! Good quality!
I had no idea that bubble wrap had originally been created as wallpaper - very strange!
It is fun to pop though! :) My kids love it when we get a large sheet of it and spread it out on the floor to stomp on.
I've always loved bubble wrap and had no idea we were almost the same age!!
Owl at Home. It was a small collection of stories, and addressed such important issues as what are those bumps under the covers at the end of the bed, why can't you be upstairs and downstairs at the same time, and why does the moon follow you around?
I like popping bubble wrap and all but I'm not sure it deserves its own day!!!!
I like storytelling too! Bubble wrap? Hmmmmmm...... maybe not a favorite....LOL
Happy 50th Birthday Bubble Wrap.
Love Bubble Wrap.
Big hugs
Betty xx
Now I understand a little better why you liked the Turkeybird's review. And man, am I behind, I had no idea it was National Storytelling Week! I guess the post just fit perfectly. I'm so glad it was able to make you smile, because I know I was grinning from ear to ear!
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