As it seems such a long time since we last had a catch-up, I thought that today I'd bring you up to date with the happenings since I last posted properly.
I was telling you that Husband dearest had a very nasty cough and I was off to an appointment with the physioterrorist. Well ...
Husband dearest's cough continued to get worse and ended up with him visiting our G.P. with a chest infection. Poor man, I felt so guilty that there was him feeling pretty lousy himself and yet still having to cope with, not only work, but a wife who couldn't stand without the world spinning around her. Still, we did what we always seem to to do and coped and thankfully, with a little help from some antibiotics, he now seems to be over the worst of it (fingers crossed).
As for the physioterrorist? After agreeing that acupuncture probably wasn't the way to go, I was discharged and so am now awaiting appointments with the pain management clinic and biomechanics who will hopefully sort out some appropriate footwear. What an exciting life I lead!
These aside, what else has been happening?

Blogwise. I was honoured with two awards which, always nice to receive, couldn't have come at a better time and really cheered me up so thanks to Tina at THE CLEAN WHITE PAGE and Aine at THE EVOLVING SPIRIT for those.
THEN as if that wasn't nice enough I was left a message saying that I had won a competition run by Dorte over at DJs KRIMBLOG. The prize? A copy of the crime novel THE HERRING SELLER'S APPRENTICE by L.C. Tyler which I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed but more of that in the book review which, hopefully, will follow soon.
Which brings me nicely to my last piece of news.
Feeling as unwell as I did, Pooter has only been working part-time. Poor thing, feeling quite neglected I'm sure, was really only used by Husband dearest to check e-mails and the latest happenings on Pen And Paper, and to feed the animals/see to the crops down on my farm (for those of you who don't know I 'play' Farmville on Facebook). Anyway as a result of this enforced separation I did an awful lot of reading (thankfully this didn't seem to affect my sense of balance too much) which means I now have the following books to review though not necessarily in this order:
The Double Eagle by James Twining.
The Declaration and The Resistance both by Gemma Malley.
The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti (One of the best books I have read in quite a while).
How Will I Know? by Sheila O'Flanagan.
(The afore mentioned) The Herring Seller's Apprentice by L.C. Tyler.
Return To The Hundred Acre Wood by David Benedictus with decorations by Mark Burgess.
Oh and how could I forget? One last thing (promise). Due to the proposed changes in the law (and Husband dearest convincing the committee of whom he's treasurer that they really should join the 21st century) regarding private members clubs, though I have been an associate member for a few years now I recently became the second woman to become a full member at The Innisfree social club but, being a post in itself, more of that later.
really amazing how you keep yourself pepped up even when you are having lot of trouble. Touch wood! may you get well soon.
And congrats for that awards and the membership.
Petty , hope you feel well really soon. LOve you!!
Congrats on your awards.You deserve them. You're the best.
pARIS I think is Americans' obsession.
I'd love to mail you but I don't have your e-mail.
What with you being ill, you did quite a lot with your time! Congrats on joining the social club, too!
I really hope you get your heath issues woked out soon. I admire the fact that you can still post something when feeling bad. I didn't even want to turn the computer on for days. LOL!
Feel better soon!
I look forward to your review of 'The Good Thief'. Both my husband and I read it last year and enjoyed it.
Hope you AND your husband are both feeling 100% again quickly!
Oh...and don't forget to come back and leave your entry in my contest!
Glad you've had some wins to balance the health woes!
Hope your husband gets over his cold soon, and that the pain management clinic is helpful.
Congrats on your awards and winning a book! And special congrats for becoming the second woman to be made a full member of your social club!
Take care of yourself!
I hope you both feel better very soon. Congrats on your awards and on being the 2nd women becoming a full member!!!! That is a huge occation!
Will be looking forward to you reviews. Good thing is at least you got lots of reading done! lol.
Congrats on your entry into what sounds like a mysterious and exclusive club! Do your gender proud.
And I'm glad you are back to blogging action ... just take your time on reentry!
And another Farmville addict????? I am resisting for as long as possible.
Very cool that you're the second woman who's a full member of the club. Can't wait to hear more about that!
I hope that everyone continues to feel better at your place!
Glad to hear you are both getting better!!! Well done on your awards - well deserved!! And finally only the 2nd woman becoming a full member - well done!!
Thanks for the book list review, looking forward to it, dear Witty Pet. I hope the pain management clinic is helpful and hubby feels better soon too.
Great to hear that some good things happen in your life!
And good luck with your footwear and all!
I hope you are feeling well soon.
I read The Good Thief in December. I thought it was wonderful.
Wow that was a fun update on all things in Petty Witter Ville! :) You have been through a lot and your hubby too. Cool about the books though - that is one great thing about no computer - more reading ... and way cool about being a new WOMAN member of The Innisfree social club.
Snaps all around!
Oh my! It sounds like you have both been through the ringer recently. I'm glad things are looking better and hopefully your hubby is starting to feel a bit better too.
Congrats on the awards and the book! I'm excited to see your review.
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