9 Aug 2023


 My sincere apologies to both Blog Tour host, Rachel of Rachel's Random Resources, and author, Victoria Scott that due to circumstances beyond my control I am only now posting my thoughts on a book I should have shared with you on the 6th of August so without further ado ...


Genre ... Women’s’ fiction, uplit, commercial fiction

Publication Date ...  3rd August 2023

Publisher ... Aria (Head of Zeus)

Standalone Novel

Estimated Page Count ... 384

⚠️Author Content Warning ... Eviction, personal trauma, depression, alcoholism,

Order Link ...  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Women-Who-Wouldnt-Leave-ebook/dp/B0BJZXCS8X/

A gripping and uplifting new novel by the author of BA Book of the Month and LoveReading Debut of the Month Patience.

Connie Darke is trying to run away from the traumas in her past, and it's led her home, to the small rural council estate she left almost 20 years earlier.

Matilda Reynolds has spent most of her long life in the Worcestershire village of Stonecastle, and she's content there, with her animals and her solitude. Until a fall lands her in hospital, and Matilda has to turn to her strange young neighbour Connie for help looking after her home.

Out of their tentative arrangement, each woman gains a new sense of community. But before long, that community comes under threat when the council decides to sell the estate, to make way for expensive developments.

Connie and Matilda are determined to fight for their home, whatever it takes...

Its no big secret, I adore books featuring well written, strong, feisty women and, oh my goodness, Constance {aka Connie} and Matilda ... Wow! What can I say?

Written with such a wonderful warmth and wit; the vulnerability of Connie in particular beautifully done, if ever there were two characters that I could not fail but to invest in it is these two.

Told from dual points of view, something that doesn't always work but on this occasion was used to good effect. The story of two very different women, each with their own distinct voice; each with past traumas which are slowly and somewhat shockingly revealed, brought together in a bid to save their homes and that of their fellow residents who, hitherto as good as strangers to Connie, all have their own reasons for wanting to stay, perhaps Matilda who has a big secret most of all.

There was a pause, during which Matilda could feel Constance's gaze boring into her.

Then, Matilda came to a decision. It was time to tell someone about it all. Why not? She was old. What could they do to her now?

'I stole my sister back,' she said finally.

'You stole her?'

Matilda clasped her hands together and scrunched her fingers up into a ball.

- Pg 269 

Not that these are the only two characters worthy of note. Whether primary or secondary, each of the characters, sensitively penned with great compassion, has their own back story ... and as for the non-human characters {especially the goats Rory and Clarrie} important in their own right, their ability to calm Connie is balm to the soul.

For all of its humour and essential feel good element, a tale that drives home many issues of modern living. Having read this, I feel compelled to check out the author's other books, Patience and Grace, both of which hold promise of equally memorable characters.  

Victoria Scott has been a journalist for longer than she wants to acknowledge, working for outlets including the BBC, Al Jazeera, Time Out and the Telegraph.

She lives on a Thames island with her husband and two children and a cat called Alice, and when she's not writing she's a university lecturer, freelance journalist and copywriter.

​Victoria Scott's first novel, Patience, was the Booksellers Association Book of the Month and LoveReading Debut of the Month.

You can follow Victoria on Twitter @toryscott and on Instagram @VictoriaScottAuthor

Social Media Links ...  Website ~ FaceBook ~ X {Formerly Twitter} ~ Instagram ~ TikTok ~

With thanks to Rachel of Rachel's Random Resources for another well organised Blog Tour. 

Agree or disagree with me, all opinions are my own. No financial compensation was asked for nor given. Threats of violence towards my favourite teddy bear went unheeded as did promises of chocolate.

Like my reviews and/or are an author, publisher etc who has a book you'd like me to review? Please get in touch, details can be found via my Review Policy. 

Likewise, lets share the bookish love; if you are a fellow bookworm/blogger please leave a comment and/or follow Pen and Paper on Google Friend Connect via the box on the right, I'll be more than happy to return your visit/follow your blog. 

PS. If you haven't already done so please check out today's other review, The Cornish Rebel by Nicola Pryce, which I shall be posting soon.


Kelly said...

I'm glad you enjoyed this one, Felicity! I enjoy good character development and also like getting a story from different viewpoints, so this sounds like a winner.

nightwingsraven said...

Like you, I appreciate strong and feisty
women. I suspect that I would appreciate
Connie and Matilda, as well as the warmth
and wit, with which this book was written.
Not to speak of the non-human characters.
I will definitely keep it in mind. And
thank you for your excellent review.