1 Aug 2023


 Today on Pen and Paper I'm delighted to be bringing you the Blog Tour of ...


Genre ... Authentic Experience Memoir

Publication Date: 25th July 2023

Standalone Book

Estimated Page Count ... 220

⚠️Author Content Warning ... There is information on baby loss, but it is handled informatively and sensitively.

Following the success of her first book, A Thousand Goodbyes, writer Ruth Graham invites us to join her on the next part of her journey as an Independent Civil Celebrant.

She honestly believed she'd seen it all - apparently not! Once again, we're exposed to the best, worst (and funniest) examples of human behaviour in Ruth's latest novel, Coffins & Confetti, but this time the tears and laughter are set against the poignant backdrop of the writer’s own search for true and lasting love.

Written in conversational style with trademark humour, Coffins & Confetti takes the reader on a journey encompassing the darkest corners of despair, peppered with some of the funniest true-life stories you will ever hear.

A letter to life, a memo to mortality but above all, a testament to tenacity, Coffins & Confetti is a book which oozes humanity and hope with the message that if you hang on in there long enough, things will always turn around ...

 Whilst offering a glimpse into the life of the author, the other jobs they have had along the way; their meeting of and subsequent relationship with their partner who is the father of teenage boys, for the main part the book offers an insight into the work of an Independent Civil Celebrant performing ceremonies marking some of life's biggest milestones ... {1,551 funerals; 137 weddings; 5 internments of ashes; 18 baby namings; 3 family blending ceremonies; 1 divorce healing service and 10 memorials of life do date.

Derek, one of the absent sons {who looked strangely familiar but I couldn't think why}, was there at the back, handcufffed to his prisoner officer. The daughters were at the other side of the crem*, not speaking or looking in his direction.

The place was an absolute cauldron of tension, so I was really surprised when the prison officer un-cuffed Derek to allow him to ay his respects to his mum, by coming up and placing a rose on her coffin.

That bit went well, but on the way back to is officer, Derek took the opportunity to literally swipe at someone as he passed them by.

And that was it - we were off. A mass brawl ensued. Flowers sailed through the air, and the fists flew. A broken bottle appeared from nowhere and a pew had been upturned by the time the officers from the car park burst through the doors.

It took another twenty minutes to clear the chapel and remove the offenders, by which time Derek's guard was probably contemplating his demotion or sacking. Either way, he and Derek had disappeared, along with the brawlers.

Only two sisters and their families remained. We made our way in silence to the graveside, to continue the service.

- Pg 60

Funny, sad, incredibly moving and occasionally, well, occasionally bizarre ... but always respectful. Easily read, the tone conversational, Coffins And Confetti is a mish mash of the professional and personal amongst which there is also a chapter of excises to aid the writing of an eulogy, either your own or can be adapted for someone else. 

* Short for crematorium.

With an eclectic background in music; acting; presenting; comedy; journalism; writing; counselling and teaching (to name just a few careers), Ruth Graham could never have guessed all the skills she’d acquired would be needed for her final role – that of funeral and wedding celebrant.

With no two days ever the same, Ruth travels all over the West Midlands to meet grieving families or happy couples, in preparation for the happiest and saddest days of peoples’ lives.

It’s a huge role, with so many expectations attached – and a lot of pressure to get things right. But as Ruth says, it’s also a huge privilege to be able to bring comfort in times of sadness, or to create something really beautiful and unique for a couple lucky enough to have found their match.

That said, in the great improv show of life, everything doesn’t always run smoothly because it involves humans at their best and worst. The result is endless amounts of material and two books to her credit so far.

The first one ‘A Thousand Goodbyes’ (The Surprising Life Of A Funeral Celebrant) garnered fantastic reviews: Hilarious Un-Putdownable /Moving/Touching/Must Read) from bloggers, industry professionals and the general public.

Ruth is hoping the same for Coffins & Confetti but either way she intends to keep working as a celebrant knowing she’s making a real difference to others’ lives.

Social Media Links ... ~ Celebrant Website ~ X {Formerly Twitter} ~ Instagram

With thanks to Rachel of Rachel's Random Resources for another well organised Blog Tour. 

Agree or disagree with me, all opinions are my own. No financial compensation was asked for nor given. Threats of violence towards my favourite teddy bear went unheeded as did promises of chocolate.

Like my reviews and/or are an author, publisher etc who has a book you'd like me to review? Please get in touch, details can be found via my Review Policy. 

Likewise, lets share the bookish love; if you are a fellow bookworm/blogger please leave a comment and/or follow Pen and Paper on Google Friend Connect via the box on the right, I'll be more than happy to return your visit/follow your blog. 


Kelly said...

I wouldn't have thought this would be one for me, but I did enjoy that excerpt you shared!

nightwingsraven said...

This sounds, like you said in your
review, incredibly moving. And I
suspect that I would appreciate this
book and I will definitely keep it in
And thank you for your excellent