30 Jul 2023


 It's always a joy to read a book set in a place you are familiar with. Doubly so when its a place you love as much as I love this place. So it's with much pleasure I bring you this novel set on Lindisfarne {or Holy Island as its known to many} the Ebook of which is available to order now with the PB following.

Dumped at the office Christmas party, Ellie is about to vent her spleen on social media when a photo of a cute little dog advertising a charity catches her eye. Her world suddenly changes dramatically when she is offered a month’s stay in Northumberland to help look after rescue animals.

Ellie isn’t too sure where Northumberland is, but accepts, eager to start a new life away from London. Her destination is Lindisfarne, and her arrival on the small island in the North Sea is terrifying, fearing for her life on the causeway as the tide comes crashing in.

Ellie finds herself living in a hilltop castle, and far from the cats and dogs she expected she would be looking after, she is faced with all kinds of furry and feathery animals - and she doesn’t have a clue about any of them!

Welcomed to island life by the warm-hearted residents, she quickly embraces living in this special place, and from the moment she spots the mesmerising Zen with the gorgeous coffee bean eyes, her plans to stay single and mingle begin to fade fast.

Thanks to a severe storm, Lindisfarne is cut off from the mainland, and the islanders work together to salvage the planned Christmas events. Ellie is kept so busy that she hasn’t much time to think about her future when her time on the island ends.

Will the universe give Ellie its blessing? Will she find her happy ever after on the enchanting island of Lindisfarne? If it’s in the stars, then it’s in the stars…

Written by an author based in Northumberland, the gorgeous cover designed by north east artist Sarah Faroogi, I'm so excited by Kimberley Adams' Love Lindisfarne which is next on my TBR mountain.

An author or publisher etc who has a book you'd like me to review? Please get in touch, details can be found on my Review Policy. 

Likewise, lets share the bookish love; if you are a fellow bookworm/blogger please leave a comment and/or follow Pen and Paper on Google Friend Connect via the box on the right, I'll be more than happy to return your visit/follow your blog.


Kelly said...

I look forward to your review of this. I remember studying about the illuminated Linsdisfarne Gospels in school.

nightwingsraven said...

Your looking forward post of
Love Lindisfarne definitely
piqued my curiosity. As Ellie's
story sounds truly engaging. Not
to speak of all the furry and
feathery aminals for which Ellie
has to look after.
And the cover artwork is beautiful.

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

One of my friends comes from the area local to Lindisfarne and she keeps trying to persuade me to make the journey north from Somerset to check it out and all the other lovely beaches and sights she assures me are there.

I'm not sure what I expected before I read the blurb for this book, which does sound like quite a unique Christmas storyline. However, the cover just doesn't work for me, as it is what I would expect to see on a children's book and now the thought is in my mind, I just can't shift it! :)