29 Jun 2023


 Super excited to be participating in the Blog Tour of this book, today I'm sharing my thoughts on ...


Genre ... Romantic Comedy

Publication Date ... 5th April 2023

Standalone Novel

Estimated Page Count ... 350

Author Content Warning ... A child with a heart condition in this book passes away

Purchase Link ... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Greatest-Love-Story-Ever-Told-ebook/dp/B0BYK97DDR


The funniest, happiest, saddest, happiest romantic comedy you will ever read. With a small twist!

What’s the 'small' twist? You’ll have to read it to find out. But let’s just say, you’ve never read anything like this before.

WARNING: Be prepared for many happy tears. And a lot of laughter.

READ THE REVIEWS to see why readers love this book.

For fans of:

Jojo Moyes, Cecelia Ahern, Sophie Kinsella and Nick Spalding 

... Publicity Blurb

Oh my giddy aunt! One of those books I just want to shout about from the roof tops. Honestly, I'm sat here wondering why you are sat reading my thoughts on the book when you could be reading it for yourself.

Told mainly through the eyes of Callum, a child who is to be interviewed by Mr 'Michael' Lamb as part of the qualitive research module of his PhD; a child who as Mr Lamb's tutor explains is 'a proper tearaway who gets thrown out of class on a daily basis' but one who nevertheless has 'a great story to tell about boy-girl friendships', this is a 'love story' the likes of which I've never come across before. 

Funny and sad but most of all moving, I can, hand on heart, say that The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, beautiful in its simplicity, touched me in a way that no book has done for a long, long time; I defy you to read it and not fall in love with Callum and Angel Rain.

I loved the 'interviews' between Callum and Mr Lamb. To see this somewhat stiff and awkward academic learn from the chair kicking, football playing nine-year-old Callum who has been dismissed by his teacher as a slow learner and therefore hardly worth her time and effort. Thank goodness then for us teaching assistants ... I speak as one who has learnt from many a child like Callum though, unlike his Miss Hussain with the 'glittery hijab that matched the sparkles on her fingernails', I was never quite so glamorous.

I loved that whilst it was the beating heart of the story Callum and Angel Rain's was not the only 'love story' to feature; that there was also that of Mr Lamb and Nurse Ifeoma Kolawole and that of Callum and his tadpoles ... if anyone had ever told me I'd become so invested in a tank full of tadpoles I'd have laughed at them and yet, here I was, sat shedding tears over what became of the final surviving tadpole.

I loved Callum's family with its heart as big as this book and his relationship with his best friend, another child dismissed as a loser.

Oh who am I kidding? 

I loved everything about the book ...

Suzy K Quinn writes edgy romantic comedy and has sold over 1 million books worldwide. She is a bestseller in the UK, US and Germany and has plans for total world domination with literary love bombs in the near future. So watch this space. Then go read one of her books.

Suzy lives in Wivenhoe, Essex, with her husband Demi and two daughters. She is a twin, an incompetent parent of two and now fully decaffeinated. Her twin sister, Cate Quinn, is also a bestseller author.

Suzy loves her readers and is ALWAYS happy to chat on social media. You can find her @suzykquinn on most social media channels. Throw her an emoji ball, she is friendly. xx

Social Media Links ... ~ Twitter ~ FaceBook ~ TikTok ~

With thanks to Rachel of Rachel's Random Resources for another well organised Blog Tour. 
Agree or disagree with me, all opinions are my own. No financial compensation was asked for nor given. Threats of violence towards my favourite teddy bear went unheeded as did promises of chocolate.

Like my reviews and/or are an author, publisher etc who has a book, a book box etc you'd like me to review? Please get in touch, details can be found via my Review Policy. 
Likewise, lets share the bookish love; if you are a fellow bookworm/blogger please leave a comment and/or follow Pen and Paper on Google Friend Connect via the box on the right sidebar, I'll be more than happy to return your visit/follow your blog. 


www.bookgroupbooks.com/blog said...

Oh my word, you have me in absolute tears!! Thank you for this amazing review and for 'getting' the big heart of the book. I was invested in those tadpoles too! PS the teaching assistant was one of my favourite characters and based on a real person. Huge love, thank you so so much for reading, love Suzy xxxx

Kelly said...

This isn't a genre that I care to read very often, but given your rave review, I almost HAVE to look into it more closely! We shall see.

Mary (Bookfan) said...

I love your enthusiasm for this one. I'll add it to my Goodreads list!

nightwingsraven said...

After reading your very enthusiastic
and excellent review. I will definitely
keep this book in mind!

DMS said...

This certainly sounds like a winner! I love how much you loved it. :) I definitely have it on my list now. Great cover and the book sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing. :)

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

I love to be surprised when a book I have more or less written off as a story I am never going to enjoy, then holds me in raptures and not wanting it to end. It doesn't happen very often, believe me, particularly when it is a contemporary romantic comedy, not one of my natural 'go to' genres.

From that fantastically candid review, I can tell just how much you enjoyed this book, so of course, it has to head for my 'wish list'!

Thanks for sharing :)

Karen said...

Oh wow...effusive praise not to be taken lightly, coming from you!

Karen @For What It's Worth