MY THOUGHTS ... Not your average author by any means, Grace McCluskey (you may remember my introducing her here) was only 8 years old when she penned The Hangry Hamster for a competition run by Radio 2.
Doubtlessly one of many entries received, whilst the book did not go onto receive any awards, Grace (now aged 11), along with a little help from her author father (Dave McCluskey), went on to see her story (illustrated by the talented Sean Steele) published last month.
A tale of what happens when, having been refused aboard an aeroplane with his human, a hamster runs amok through London. Highly entertaining; action packed and funny, the illustrations colourful and eye-catching, I hope Grace puts pen to paper once more ... who knows what further adventures may await this hangry hamster.
I remember you introducing us to this story and author. Congrats to her for working hard to get it published. What a thrill! :)
I also remember this... such a catchy title and great cover art! Congratulations to Grace and her "associates" on the publication of her book! While I've not read the story, I bet it does leave room for sequels. :)
It is super that she got this published. A hamster running amok is a great concept!
I am glad she is still writing!
Congratulations to Grace! She
definitely worked very hard to
get her story published.
And I, too remember how you
introduced us to Grace and her
Excellent review - obviously the seed doesn't fall far from the tree and sometimes outstrips it origins.
This looks ridiculously cute! Thanks for sharing!
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