Tessa impulsively, impetuously, hotheadly, stood up and shouted, "STOP IT, NAT!"
The courtroom oohed and aahed.
At this point, Dartfield broke down, bawling in his folded arms.
The courtroom grew agitated. The judge banged his gavel.'
- Memorable Moment, Justice Gone by N. Lambardi
I recently had some wonderful news from author Nick Lombardi Jr who emailed me that his book, Justice Gone which I'd reviewed here in February of this year had not only won the National Indie Excellence Award for Best Legal Thriller but was currently long-listed for the Reader's Favourite Award for the same category.

Congratulations to the author!
Awesome news for Nick. I imagine winning such an award is giant boost for an author.
That is wonderful news! Congratulations to the author.
Congrats to the author, the book sounds intriguing!
Congratulations to Nick Lombardi!
And thank you for sharing this.
Congrats to Nick Lombardi!
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