A homeless war veteran is beaten to death by the police. Stormy protests ensue, engulfing a small New Jersey town. Soon after, three cops are gunned down.

Donald Darfield, an African-American Iraqi war vet, war-time buddy of the beaten man, and one of Tessa's patients, is holed up in a mountain cabin. Tessa, acting on instinct, sets off to find him, but the swarm of law enforcement officers get there first, leading to Darfield's dramatic capture.
Now, the only people separating him from the lethal needle of state justice are Tessa and ageing blind lawyer, Nathaniel Bodine. Can they untangle the web tightening around Darfield and the war veterans in time when the press and the justice system are baying for revenge?
- Back Cover Blurb
Bruntfield, New Jersey, just another banal town in a part of the country that nobody thinks about, was about to become famous.
- First Sentence; Part 1: The Incident, Chapter 1
"Please, I can't ... not here." Darfield's face contracted into a woeful grimace, on the verge of shedding tears.
Tessa impulsively, impetuously, hotheadly, stood up and shouted, "STOP IT, NAT!"
The courtroom oohed and aahed.
At this point, Dartfield broke down, bawling in his folded arms.
The courtroom grew agitated. The judge banged his gavel.
- Memorable Moment
SOURCE ... Received with thanks from the author.
MY THOUGHTS ... A book that is essentially in three parts; the first, 'The Incident', the second; 'The Manhunt' and the third (and by much the longest); 'The Trial'. All three put together, Justice Gone is a compelling story; gritty, on occasion violent (but never gratuitously so), politically charged, emotional, insightful (as a Brit I don't know much about the American judicial system and found this aspect of the story fascinating) AND with great characters to boot.
Tremendous that 'disabled' characters now feature routinely in novels and not just as 'victims'. I loved the author's portrayal of cantankerous lawyer Nathaniel 'Nat' Bodine who just so happens to be blind; that the characters with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder offered a knowledgeable (if perhaps ever so slightly prejudiced) insight into the lives of the many army veterans living with what can be this debilitating condition. Then, of course, there's the wonderfully feisty Tessa Thorpe and Bodine's highly competent daughter-come-legal assistant Emily. Both well written, strong female leads and as anyone who follows Pen and Paper will know I adore well written, strong female leads.
The first in a series of psychological thrillers and what turned out to be one of my favourite reads so far this year. I can't say it was always an easy read (in fact at times its anything but); it left me deeply saddened at times, totally outraged at others but then isn't that what good storytelling is sometimes about?

The story sounds very dramatic. Psychological thrillers can be so entertaining when done well. I also like legal drama when it is realistic. I also sometimes react emotionally to books. I agree that is a sign of good writing.
I love a book that gets me emotions riled up and this sounds like one to do just that.
sherry @ fundinmental
Despite your excellent and glowing review, this doesn't really appeal to me. Maybe I might be more receptive to it in movie form. Maybe.
This sounds quite compelling. Strong, female characters/leads are important to me, too. Excellent review, as usual!
This sounds like it would be an edge of your seat type book. It's been awhile since I last read a novel like this. I may have to give this one a try! Thank you for your great review, Tracy.
This sounds like a very compelling
and dramatic book. And characters
like Tessa, Emily and Nathaniel sound
truly memorable. I will add this book
to my list and thank you for your excellent
Sounds like a great psychological thriller, and yes good writing should move the reader that way.
Great review!
It's great writing when the reader is made to feel so many emotions. Sounds like a very good read!
Yay! This sounds amazing. I am so glad you enjoyed it so much. It sounds intriguing. Thanks for the introduction. :)
Sounds so compelling. And it's been a while since I've read a legal thriller.
Greetings all, I can't get into her ladyships account at the moment, will do soon... but she has asked me to post a message to let you know that she is not well at the moment and currently in hospital. She is sorry for the lack of posting. She really is not up to it at the moment. i'll keep you advised occasionally as to any news...
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