Having revealed the movies that had had an impact on both myself and Mr T (see them here & here) I was delighted when fellow blogger and movie buff Kelly over at Kelly's Thoughts & Ramblings, accepted my invitation to post some of the films that had had an impact on her.

1. Wind River - We like to watch films based on actual events. Rather than one specific case, Wind River is based on a statistic… or lack thereof. (a statement which becomes totally clear after watching the movie) It deals with rapes and murders of Native American women on Indian Reservations and is quite eye-opening, perhaps even more so in light of the current #metoo movement. The wintertime scenery in the film is stunning, playing on the brutality of the events in the film.
2. Silence - I am a Christian and I believe that it’s my duty to spread the Gospel of Christ. That said, I’m not very good at evangelizing (preferring to try and live my faith rather than preach it with words) and often have mixed emotions about proselytizing, particularly as done in centuries past. This film revolves around two Portuguese Jesuit priests in 17th century Japan - a time and place where Christianity was not accepted or tolerated. Very difficult to watch in places, it made me think about all the missionaries who have sacrificed their lives to share their beliefs.
3. The Apostle - I learned of this film when I read about it in a magazine shortly after its release. Written, directed, and financed by Robert Duvall, he also stars in the lead role. When it came out I bought it and watched it several times. It’s an excellent portrayal of a very real culture in the southern US as well as a moving story of redemption. I need to watch it again soon!
4. Boogie Nights - Okay, this one probably has some of you snickering, wondering how on earth a film about a porn star could qualify for this post. Honestly, I only saw the movie once, but I remember being moved by it, feeling pity for the lead character as he struggled with his life, never finding the happiness or satisfaction he long for. Tragic might be the best way to describe it. On a side note, the double CD from the film has excellent music! As for that infamous final scene… no, it wasn’t real. It was a prosthetic.
5. Signs - This is my number one pick of these five. In fact, it rates as one of my favorite movies of all time. On the surface, it has everything going for it - a suspenseful (and at times terrifying) sci-fi alien plot, plenty of humor, a sense of pathos, and convincing acting. But what totally makes the movie for me is how everything comes together in the end. All the supposed “flaws” - Morgan's asthma, Bo's abandoned glasses of water, Merrill's failed ball career - they all serve a purpose. Graham says in the movie, “People break down into two groups. … Are you the kind that sees signs, that sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Or, look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?” Just as Graham concludes, restoring his faith in God, I believe there are no coincidences in life.
Thanks for that thoughtful and interesting selection Kelly.
Of the five I have only seen Signs which I agree is a good film and certainly one both Mr T and I have watched more than once, my probably enjoying it more than him.
Whilst I'm not sure Silence is something I'd enjoy, of the others I'd definitely like to see Wind River and The Apostle and possibly (now you have me intrigued) Boogie Nights.
Like to share the movies that have had an impact on you? I'd love to hear from you so please get in touch.

Thanks for letting me join in, Tracy. Putting it together has made me want to watch The Apostle AND Boogie Nights again. While I do have my own copy of Signs, it shows up on the cable channels often enough that we stop and watch our favorite bits whenever we happen on them.
I hope some others will send you their picks, too.
Fun idea. I have to say though that I haven't seen any of these films! I'd definitely have to think about films that really impacted me...hmmm...
As with Mr T and Kelly I'd love to have you on board Lauren.
I enjoyed reading Kelly's list of movies that had an impact on her. The only one I've seen is Signs, which I watched a long time ago. I may need to watch it again, and think about the questions posed.
What a fun idea. I love the movies you have chosen. I have watched Signs, and the Apostle. Both were good.
This is an interesting list. I have only seen Signs and Bogie Nights. I thought that both were great films. I guess I only see signs when there is statistical support that indicates that one should rely on them :)
Greetings Tracy. I haven't watched any of the films on the list, but you have me intrigued now! Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew.
Tracy and Kelly,
Of the films which had an impact
on you, I had already added Wind
River to my list when you included
it for your last One Sentence Movie
Reviews post. I also really would
like to see The Apostle and Signs.
Thank you for hosting Kelly here,
I enjoyed her guest post very much.
What a lovely idea for an alternative style of 'Guest Post'.
Of your chosen films Kelly, we have only watched one of them, 'Signs'. In fact, we have undoubtedly seen it on more than one occasion, as hubbie is a great fan of Mel Gibson films.
We actually watched a good film the other night, albeit a rather dated production, which had us thinking about the possibilities, in fact the probabilities of us not being the only intelligent lifeform in the universe as we know it. 'Contact', starring Jodi Foster.
Well acted, great script and no I don't believe in coincidences in life, miracles, or life beyond our own planet, which immediately sets up a strong debate between the two of us!!
Thanks for sharing and I hope that life is treating you both well :)
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