- With love from Mr T and I.

The story starts with 3 siblings Claire, Ben and Daniel, building a snow queen in the garden, as all children do. Claire begins to create a story around the evil snow queen and before long she explains how Elaine Gale – the evil snow queen has placed a spell on all children to be naughty so that when Santa checks his naughty and nice list no-one has been good and thus no presents are needed.
Happy with their days work they head back in for tea, but soon realise that their story is unfolding in front of their eyes. Realising they are the only ones who can stop Elaine Gale they start about a journey to overcome her evil plan and restore Christmas before it’s too late.
- Book Blurb from The Christmas Tale Of Elaine Gale Website (Click on the author's or illustrator's name to take you there)
Before we start, dear faint of heart, I give you warning fair.
- First Sentence
And with despair, said youngest Claire, "You're such a fraidy cat,
She's made of snow, not skin and bones, you can't be scared of that."
Memorable Moment, Page unnumbered
SOURCE: Received from the author with thanks.
READ FOR: Not applicable.
MY THOUGHTS: What is sure to become a seasonal tradition in the Terry household. And not just in our household I'm sure. Way up there with classics such as Twas The Night Before Christmas, I'm sure The Christmas Tale Of Elaine Gale will become a firm favourite with all who read it.
A unique Christmas tale written in verse that with its wicked queen who 'hates St. Nick and his stupid reindeer' boasts a wonderful pantomime style villain albeit it one with a difference ... Oh yes it does!*
At over ninety pages and with some fairly challenging rhymes perhaps not the best book for less confident readers but what better way than to curl up with a hot chocolate and have someone read you such a wonderfully seasonal tale.
* See my 2009 post of Pantomime here for explanation.
* See my 2009 post of Pantomime here for explanation.

I've not read any Christmas books this year.
Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful time :)
Obviously a wonderful book for this time of year. It is always a nice thing to be read to :)
The first and only seasonal book I've read this year. I think I got so disappointed in reading 'Christmas' books that had only the vaguest mention of Christmas that I made a conscious effort not to read any but I couldn't resist this one.
A Christmas tale in verses sounds
lovely. As I love words and language.
And I appreciate the first sentence
and your memorable moment.
But first and foremost, Merry Christmas
to you and Mr. T.!
Greetings Tracy. It sounds like a good read! Merry Christmas to you and your partner, and I hope you have a great New Year.
Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
Happy Christmas Tracy, I hope you have a great day!
What a glowing review! I'm glad you enjoyed it and hope y'all are having a good holiday.
It looks good! I hope you had a great Christmas!
Dear Mr. and Mrs. T.,
I hope you had a lovely Christmas! I'm glad you enjoyed this unique Christmas tale. Have a wonderful New Year's!
Merry Christmas wee love. I don't have any traditional books I read, did have a movie we used to always watch. Now I just aim to read a few festive books and have just turned the last page on my current read. xxx
Lainy http://www.alwaysreading.net
I've really fallen behind in my holiday reading this year.
I hope you had a lovely Christmas Tracey!
For What It's Worth
This sounds delightful. You know I love a good rhyme. :)
Thanks so much for sharing it. Hope Mr. T is doing well and you both had a very Merry Christmas. Here is to a happy and healthy 2018.
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