Mary Poppins by P. L. Travers: Page 80 ... STRAVAIGING: Wandering aimlessly.
Accused of being this, jokingly .. I hope, by a friend ... SCURRYFUNGE: One who rushes around tidying/cleaning when guests are due.
Accused (rather more aptly I have to say) by yet another friend as being ... OMNILEGENT: reading everything/addicted to reading.

That's it! I too share the OMNILEGENT trait! Imagine that... 😂
These are all new to me and I'll admit to having a bit of scurryfunge in me.
Love that last word! Yes, I believe I'll claim that one, too. :)
I love words and languages. And I, too
share the omnilegent trait with you.
Kelly once shared at her blog a site about
ancient words or words which were no longer
used from which the visitors could save a word
which they liked. I saved pregnatress:
Female power that generates or gives birth
to something, or someone who gives birth to
new ideas, thoughts and projects.
I love unusual and rare words. "Omnilegent" is a good one. I suffer from it,
Unusual words sound fun. Thanks for sharing, I love coming across new (to me) words.
Awesome words! I have been guilty as well. :)
Oh, I'm definitely addicted to reading. Thanks for sharing!
Both of these words are new to me- but they are such fun. Thanks for sharing!
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