BACK COVER BLURB: September 3, 1940. Ten Peculiar Children flee an army of deadly monsters. And only one person can help them - bur she's trapped in the body of a bird. The extraordinary journey that began in Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children continues as Jacob Portman and his newfound friends journey to London, the peculiar capital of the world. There they hope to find a cure for their beloved head-mistress, Miss Peregrine. But in this war-torn city, hideous surprises lurk around every corner. And before Jacob can deliver the peculiar children to safety, he must make an important decision about his love for Emma Bloom.
MEMORABLE MOMENT {PAGE}: Do I have to pick? Please don't make me pick. OK then, how about the pipe smoking dog with a refined British accent on page 81? Or the chickens with rather unusual eggs on page 87? The list of possibilities goes on ... TT
SOURCE: A 2016 Christmas present.
READ FOR: Mount TBR Reading Challenge (7 of 24 books read).
MY THOUGHTS: A phenomenal success, I, along with just about every reader I knew, loved the first book in the series, Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children. The second book in the series, would Hollow City, could Hollow City be as good?
Nay ...
It was better.
'We rowed out through the harbor, past bobbing boats weeping rust from their seems, past juries of silent seabirds, roosting atop the barnacled remains of sunken docks, past fishermen who lowered their nets to stare frozenly as we slipped by, uncertain whether we were real or imagined; a procession of waterborne ghosts, or ghosts soon to be' ...
With this, the opening sentence, I was hooked in what turned out to be one of those books that presented that age old dilemma of do I read just one more chapter to find out what happens next OR do I stop reading for now knowing that if I don't it will only bring me a page, a chapter, closer to the inevitable ending of a book that I don't want to end?Ooh! Decisions, decisions.
Following straight on from where we last left Jacob and the other Peculiars, I found Hollow City...
- A faster paced read
- The London World War II setting fascinating. Wonderfully descriptive I felt myself there in a way I never quite did the island home of Miss Peregrine
- The character development of the 'old' peculiars wonderful though I personally could have well done without the flourishing romance
- The introduction to other peculiars a sound move, the connection between them and the gypsies, both outcasts, wonderfully symbolic
- Those pictures. Equally as bizarre as those featured in the first instalment. Please tell me I'm not the only adult to have had nightmares about them?
- And as for that ending???? What can I say other than that I need a copy of the third (and final) book in the series, Library Of Souls, as soon as possible ... if not sooner.

I am so happy to hear this! I adored Peculiar Children. I need to read this!
I enjoyed the first, but maybe not as much as some folks. You've definitely encouraged me to read the rest of the series (or at least this one) with your wonderful, glowing review.
I love when the second book is better than the first!
Hi Tracy,
I have 'Peculiar Children' on my 'want to read list', although I now have suspicions that it is where it will stay.
I did read the premise well before hitting the 'add' button, however it wasn't until I read the synopsis for 'Hollow City', that I really appreciated the fantasy aspects of the storylines and that put me off completely.
I am almost tempted to read the books anyway, just to see what all the hype is about, but given the amount of great books already on my TBR list which I know I will enjoy, I can afford to read my preferred genres right now!
Great review and I am pleased that you found a book which you really enjoyed this time :)
This series sounds so good. I really want to start reading it.
I like the writing in the passage that you posted. The descriptions within it create a lot of atmosphere. I love atmospheric writing.
Tracy, I'm gald you're enjoying these books so much! T-rrific review!
After I read your very enthusiastic
and excellent review, I added "Hollow City"
to my list where it joined the first book,
Awww, yay, so glad to hear you enjoy these are these are still on my to-read list so I must pick them up soon and get reading! Another brilliant and encouraging review! - Tasha
I have not read the first one, but am hoping to get to it soon. Jess loved it and has been wondering about the 2nd one. Now I can tell her how much you loved it and I know she will be even more excited to get it. :) So glad to hear your thoughts.
I love it when a first book is good and the second book even better. I really need to give this series a try.
I really enjoyed the first book and I need to check out the next two. I'm SO glad that you loved it!
I have the first book but I still need to read it. I saw the movie though and it was a nice one
You know I've STILL yet to read this one? Really have to catch up on my series/trilogies. Glad it left you hanging though... gives hope for the last book!
Glad you enjoyed this one more than the first, I actually have the first one in my TBR mountain still waiting to be read.
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