It's a familiar story: In spite of the obstacles put in her way by her wicked stepmother, Ella goes to the ball, sweeps Prince Charming off his feet, and is chosen to be his bride. Now she's comfortably ensconced in the palace, awaiting marriage to the man of her dreams. It's happily ever after time, right?
Wrong! Life for Ella has become an endless round of lessons and restrictions; even worse, Prince Charming turns out to be more like Prince Boring. Why can't she talk with him the way she can with Jed, her earnest young tutor?
Slowly Ella comes to realize she doesn't want the life she fought so hard to win. But breaking her engagement proves more difficult - and dangerous - than escaping her stepmother's tyranny.
.... Outer back cover.
FIRST SENTENCE (Chapter 1): The fire had gone out, and I didn't know what to do.
MEMORABLE MOMENT (Page 22): 'As you must know, our duty as women is to be protected from unpleasantness, so that our minds and our souls - and our brows - shall be unsullied by worry. Women were created to be like flowers, providing color and beauty to the world. We leave troubling matters to men.'
MY THOUGHTS: The first book that I have ever read that gave a specific age range (11 to 14 years). I'm not too sure how useful this actually is but as a rough guide I suppose it could be helpful though I'm not personally convinced mentioning rape makes for appropriate reading for those aged only 11.
Having very mixed feelings about the books that revisited/reinvented the fairytales of my childhood I read this with more than a small amount of anticipation.
Beginning more or less where the original Cinderella story ended, whilst I did find the idea interesting, with its modern language and somewhat kick ass heroine and rather drippy Prince - neither of whom I could take to - Just Ella is certainly a book of its time.
I don't know perhaps I'm showing my age but what little girl didn't dream of being Cinderella, of meeting her Prince Charming and living happily ever after? But, without giving too much away, this just wasn't the case with this retelling.
Perhaps too stereotypical and cliched for my liking I'm afraid this just wasn't a read for me though I am glad I read it as if nothing else it satisfied my curiosity.
KEEP IT OR NOT?: Afraid not, I've made the decision to pass this onto someone who I know will appreciate it it much more than I did.
I'm guessing age is the main factor of whether one would enjoy the book or not. Thanks for telling us about it!
Sounds to me like this is a "lesson" read for girls of that age group - not to judge a book by its cover and that money doesn't buy happiness. Perhaps the Paper Bag Princess is a better story.
Sounds like a story that has been doen to death. You might enjoy Ella Enchanted better.
Wow. Thanks for the review. Doesn't sound like my kind of book. I'm back in the blogging world. Yay!!! I've missed it over the last few months and missed you too! Stop by if you get a chance. I've posted the last two days - wow I'm on a roll! Ha Ha. :)
Aw shucks. The fairytale retellings are just not working out for you. Oh well, better to have tried than to have left it to ponder. Doesn't sound too bad to me actually, though a bubble burster for those dreaming of the knight in shining armor... thanks for sharing!
This doesn't sound like a book for me, either. Thanks for your concise and honest review.
I hope you enjoy your Linda Lael Miller book from Naida.
I was thinking the movie Ella Enchanted when I read the blurb, but it seems to be different than that. I think I'll stick to the movie. :)
I love that quote on page 22!
Sorry this one didn't work for you. I like the idea of seeing what happens to Cinderella after the ball, but might borrow this one from the library instead.
You know, I don't remember much about this book, aside from it starting where Cinderella ended.
Nice, honest review as always Tracy. I hope you enjoy the Christmas book much more.
I know retellings aren't your thing- so I think it was good that you gave it a shot. It does sound like an interesting book- but I wish Prince Charming wasn't a drip. :)
Guess Young adult wuld like this book .
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