- The sequel to the novel, Undiscovered Gyrl, which became the feature film Ask Me Anything, starring Britt Robertson, Martin Sheen, and Christian Slater.
Readily available to buy online, I'm also reliably informed Another Girl is available to read free of charge if you are a member of Kindle Unlimited.
Attracted by this post over at Shooting Stars Mag which, in honour of the novella Another Girl by Allison Burnett, called for bloggers to post about their experiences of online friendships I simply knew I had to join in.
Physical pain and not being able to get around as easily as I used to aside perhaps the most painful things about my condition is that I've lost touch with many people I'd considered friends.
No longer able to just get up and go as I once did, not knowing what my health will be like from one day to the next and if I'll be physically up to visitors let alone going out, having to take into consideration practical things - How good is the access? Will there be a suitable toilet near by? Do I need to take my chair and if so will it fit into their car without having to dismantle it? (the chair, not the car that is) - it can all put a bit of a strain on a friendship and that's without taking into consideration the fact that my having to repeatedly say 'sorry I'm not well enough at the moment'/cancel plans at the last moment means that after a while people stop even asking.
And that is why online friendships are so important to me.
Ironic given that one of the reasons it took me so long between Mr T setting up my blog and my actually starting to post is that yes, whilst I acknowledged I might find like minded people, not in my widest dreams did I think it possible for friendships to be made in this way.
How wrong was I?
You see online friendships have opened up my world to the point were certain of my blogger buddies/FaceBook friends know more about what is going on in my life than do many of my actual acquaintances.
In fact, I've getting to know some of these people so well that I'm in contact with several of them via email and even so-called snail mail.
And yes I've even gone so far as to plan out my journey should I ever get to visit some of them - which train I might get to visit Gloucestershire. Heck, Mr T and I have even sat with Google Maps and worked out how we'll get to visit Arkansas whilst also being able to visit Louisiana and Austin. But in the meantime thank you to all those I consider my friends.

How ironic to come and read this after just commenting back to you on my blog that perhaps someday I'll make it to the north of England to see you.
Thanks for such a heart-felt post. I appreciate your friendship.
hey dear liked your place and yes want to say you thanks for your kind words on my blog ,god bless
Sometimes we can meet so many wonderful persons on the internet, it's quite impressive I confess.
I am so sorry to hear about your health and mobility issues Tracy.
I also used to doubt the validity of online friendships. However I too have come to know their value.
It is amazing the changes in social interactions that the digital age has brought.
I think the internet has offered a lifeline to many people who are unable to get out and about, and to those who struggle to make friends in real life.
I've "met" many friends online and even a few of them I've gotten to meet in real life. I met friends online in 1997-8 and I'm still friends with them now.
Amazing post dear! You have a wonderful blog:)
What about following each other on Instagram, Bloglovin, Twitter?:)
Love this post. I am a homebody and we have moved a lot making it harder for me to go out and make new friends..so I totally get it. My online friends are my life line.
Wonderful sentiments and oh so true. Whether health, transport, or time issues are your hindrance , the online connections bypass it all. Perhaps one day you'll get to make that mapped journey. :)
The internet has opened up the world in so many ways, connecting people all across the globe. There is definitely still need to be cautious to some degree, but there really are some genuinely wonderful people other there who I wouldn't know if it weren't for the internet. We have a strong community here and feel lucky to have made the friends I have online.
Thank you for sharing this post! I'm sorry you are unable to get out and about as much as you would like, but it just makes having online friends even better! I know that I've met some fantastic people online - either only online or even getting the chance to meet in person - and it's fantastic. :)
If someone would have told me I was going to make online friendships one day I would have laughed and not believed it. It's incredible the friendships I have made online, through book blogging. Some of my blog friends I have known for several years and have been in contact with them sometimes moreso than friends I have offline. It is really incredible. And it's to the point where I will miss my online friends if I don't log on much.
Hope you are feeling well xo
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