Whilst part of me hates providing free advertising another part of me simply couldn't resist sharing these products with you so without further ado I give you ...
A perfume made from the extracts of the deceased? Yes, for the princely sum of £387 ($600) you too could soon be smelling like your deceased relative after a French company have come up a way of extracting an odour and reconstructing it as a perfume in four days.
Retailing at just over £5 not only is this available in America (at around $8) but, wait for it, they actually deliver in the UK ...

Hmm, £5.30? A mere snip when you compare it to the £451,372,815 (that's $682,450,750) which is what the good people at Gizmodo reckon it will cost you to become Batman with, amongst other things, his ...
- Graphite Cowl .. $1,000000
- Retinal Projection System .. $10,000
- Kelver Nomex Gloves .. cheap at $150
- Memory Cloth Polymer Cape .. $40,000.
Not a Batman fan?
How about these Star Wars gifts?
With prices ranging from £112 for a Jabba The Hutt inflatable to £7 for a Darth Vader porch light cover, it has to be said that at £16 the Han Solo shower curtain is my personal favourite.

I can totally see the Star Wars items having a huge audience but the perfume of deceased? Umm...no Thank you. *-* (Great post as always!)
Absolutely amazing what people will pay good money for!
I think I can come up with better (and less creepy) ways of remembering a loved one. This is worse than the idea of having crematory ashes included in a tattoo (and that was a fictional book!).
I'm all about the Star Wars gifts, I'm a big fan! - Tasha
I am completely and utterly baffled
wow...smelling like a deceased relative. who would do that?!
I have heard of the pizza pouch! the things that are out there! haha
Well, since I cannot stand perfume, I guess I can say don't do that to me when I expire? LOL
Also, these people have to remember that batman did do most of his stuff diy so it cost him cheaper. ;) I would like the Han Solo shower curtain though... :D
The pizza pouch is hilarious! Thanks for this funny Monday post, Tracy!
Hi Tracy,
I guess that anything 'Star Wars' is already going to be pretty much 'sold out' for Christmas this year, given that one UK cinema chain sold over 10,000 tickets in 90 minutes, to see the film in December!
I am probably only sounding slightly cynical here, because I just can't see the fascination for something which is still being re-hashed after so many years - Ooops! that has all the die-hard fans (including my own hubbie), reaching for their pens and keyboards!
He definitely won't be receiving any 'Star Wars' gifts for Christmas :)
You must spend so long researching all your hilarious Monday posts, or else you just have a completely different sense of news up in your part of the world. I can never find great articles like that in any of the southern press :)
There is so many Star Wars merchandise out there that when I clicked the link I kind of expected the same old same old. But that merchandise rocks! I am seriously thinking about trying to obtain set of those towels.
Oh my word! $600 to smell like my deceased relatives...ummm... NO THANK YOU - ewwww....... As far as the rest goes, I like a good batman show and Star Wars movie, but not enough to buy their products - must be the girl in me - LOL Have a great day girlie!! :)
No. I loved my grandmother and the way she smelled..but bottle it..um no
Oh boy, perfume made from the extracts of the deceased?? But why?
And lol about the pizza pouch :)
If I wanted to smell like my dad, I'd just buy a bottle of Old Spice. LOL I can't imagine wanting to buy a perfume made of extracts of the deceased.
Is the pizza pouch water proof too? Haha That's too funny.
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