First and foremost, this weeks news from the Pen and Paper times ...
Little Kitty the Cat Burglar is now available on Amazon. Blogger Tracy Terry asks her blogger buddies to spread the word about a great book raising money for a worthy cause.

The perfect round-up to every carnivore's feast or a waste of good bananas?
Peanut butter covered banana wrapped in bacon.
Unsurprisingly (and thankfully) unavailable in the frozen product aisle of any supermarket but devised as a treat for penguins, a zoo has come up with fish flavoured ice-lollies known as
Breakfast may have become a lot more fun after Kelloggs have unveiled a range of wacky inventions which includes amongst other things 'The Crane Head Cereal Serving Device', a hands-free helmet that allows you to dig into a cereal packet and serve into a bowl and dispense milk) and (my favourite) 'The Soggy-O-Meter', a gadget that sets off an alarm when your cereal reaches your preferred level of sogginess.
Three students and a barman have hauled a nine gallon barrel of ale up to the summit of Ben Nevis (at 4,4061ft/1,344m Britain's highest peak) and set up a pop-up bar to serve the hand-pumped 'Tunnel Vision' beer to climbers.
Must see image of the week ...
You could be forgiven for thinking this display is enough to quench your thirst but what at first appears to be a bucket of beer is in fact ..... a cake.
And finally, the articles that though not food related I simply had to share ...
Organisers of a festival in Cornwall have reported how a female festival goer was 'teleported' across the festival site in a portable toilet when it was moved by a forklift truck.
Given the popularity of Leanne's dog Willow ...
Meet Barry the Bedlington Terrier from Kirby Stephen, Cumbria who having learnt to ride a tricycle has upgraded to classic cars.

And that's why I don't use port-o-potties. At least if I can help it. BY the way, I just want to say I wish they were serving beer at the peak when I climbed Ben Nevis. Although, I don't think we ever made the peak as it was October and a flash winter storm hit us and we had to turn back. Still, I'm a little bit jealous.
Barry the Bedlington and his little car are just too cute! (had to tweet that story). I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of Willow.
I'm totally impressed by the beer bucket cake. It amazes me what some of those cake artists are capable of.
Having never been a fan of fish, the fishy ice pops sound nasty and though I've always liked bacon (even if I don't eat it anymore), I'm not of the opinion everything's better with bacon. Case in point being the example here with the banana.
I tweeted the post with the Kitty book! Hope that helps.
Uh... no to the zoo-shi. :p
I would freak out if I was in a port-a-potty and it moved. I don't like using them in the first place!
Fish flavored lollipops. Yuk. I like fish- but not necessary in that form.
Always fascinating!
Congratulations on the book! Isn't that fabulous?! I am thrilled for you. :)
When is a bucket of beer not a bucket of beer?! Great stories this week. I am always in stitches after I read these posts.
Oh wow, those beer bottles look SO real. I don't drink alcohol, so I'd be quite happy to find out it was cake. ;)
But seriously - ice cream that won't melt as quick? Sign me up!!
As someone who takes his ice cream very seriously, I wonder if the slow melting ice cream tastes any differently.
Bo: I'm sure you aren't the only one to have wished for a drink, I'm sure there are plenty in need of it after that hike.
Kelly: Leanne has suggested we should set up a date for Willow (photos of which I will post soon) and Barry.
Melissa: Many thanks for sharing on Twitter. I appreciate your doing so.
Brian: I'm with you in wondering this besides which for me part of the fun of ice-cream is trying to eat it before it melts.
Okay. I think the bacon craze has gone a bit too far. *-*
Young children all over the world rejoice at the idea of slow melting ice cream. I wonder if it really tastes as good though . . .
I am not a fan of bacon. Ick.
Can you imagine working in an industry where you can make such wacky objects? I bet they have a lot of fun. LOL
As always, thank you for the laughs!
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