Oh it's such a perfect day, I'm glad I spent it with you' so sang Lou Reed.
A purrfect day indeed and what better way to share it than with you, my friends and fellow bloggers.
As of yesterday, Saturday the fifth of September, Little Kitty the Cat Burglar (the first chapter of which was written by yours
truly) who ....
'Wouldn't exactly call herself a cat burglar. She just likes to bring back the occasional gift for her humans' ....
became available in paperback on Amazon (links at the bottom of the page) with a kindle version available to pre-order soon.
With all money raised going to Alzheimers Research, a great charity that is close to my heart, I'd like to thank my fellow authors Ann Bowyer, Suzan Collins, JB Johnson, Tottie Limejuice, Ros Lyons, Lucy Rayner and Jo Wilde as well as Catie Atkinson and Rachel Lawston for the illustrations and design and Jaine Keskeys (editor) all of whom gave their time and expertise for free. And of course not forgetting Mr T (my apologies for being a total pain) and author and friend Patricia Smith for all their encouragement and support.
To answer your questions that came about as a result of a previous post on Pen and Paper ....
A 'chain story', there were eight of us who wrote a chapter each. Knowing my love of cats and that I had a close family member suffering from this awful condition I was approached by Suzan Collins (whose books I had reviewed previously) who coordinated the whole project to write a chapter.
As for the cover (sweet, isn't it?), thanks must go to Catie Atkinson and Rachel Lawston for the illustrations and design.
Sorry but I'm afraid that my chapter won't be published anywhere other than in the book .... unless because the copyright for that chapter remains mine I choose to include it in any works I publish independently.
Available in paperback here on amazon.co.uk, my friends in the US can find it here on amazon.com. For friends elsewhere Little Kitty the Cat Burglar should be available, if it isn't already, on your local amazon site.
Please feel free to share this post and/or the link to the book on your blogs, FaceBook pages, Twitter, etc and lets raise some money for this wonderful cause.
Please feel free to share this post and/or the link to the book on your blogs, FaceBook pages, Twitter, etc and lets raise some money for this wonderful cause.

Very cool, I haven't heard of a story like this
Yay!! I've just ordered three copies: one for my grandkids, one for my kitty-obsessed younger daughter, and one for myself.
Thanks for sharing the info with us.
Many congratulations, Tracy! And this, for such a wonderful cause which makes the occasion even more special. I will go, look out for this book on Amazon right away!!
I don't get here often but look at the surprise when I do! Congratulations!
That's amazing Tracy! So excited for you and the other writers. Off to spread the word!
Congratulations Tracy! That is wonderful!! And for a good cause as well, how awesome.
Congratulations Tracy. it must be so very exciting to have your work published like this.
The chain author concept seems to be such a good idea.
Hi Tracy, I really do love the cover, and I like the idea behind the story. We used to do a similar thing at school (when the teachers were looking away!) Someone at the front of the class would write a sentence on a piece of paper and pass it on to the next person. It caused much laughter – just wish I had the presence of mind to gather up all the bits of paper.
Congratulations on being part of this, I hope the book does really well. Barbara
Ps I've Tweeted https://twitter.com/MarchHouseBooks & Google+
Congratulations Tracy, that is brilliant, well done. x
Congratulations! Just wanted to let you know I am sharing this blog post on my blog tomorrow and I've added the book to my shopping cart. Good luck with the project!
Many congratulations to you, Tracy! This is wonderful. :)
I've been out of town (and away from blogging) for the last week and a half, but am now back.
Many thanks for all your kind words, for spreading the word and of course for buying the book.
Hi Tracy,
It must be so cool to see your name and writing in print, I know how excited I got TWICE, when I was included in the author acknowedgement pages of a book!
My FIL has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimers, so this is also a charity close to my heart, although I have family members with various other health issues, so I also support Kidney Research, The British Heart Foundation and my two local Hospices.
I hope that the book is very successful and sells loads of copies. I have tweeted out the message a couple of times :)
This is so awesome, and what a great cause!
Wow!That's great Tracy ..congratulations,I am a big fan of your writing and I would love to read this book too:)
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