BACK COVER BLURB: Will anything get a mother yelling about time outs and withholding favors faster than a toy-strewn house? In That Mama is a Grouch by Sherry Ellis, an intelligent and very wise narrator reminds us in charming rhyme that mothers are human, most often loving, and that certain situations will guarantee driving them to their breaking point. The reader is quickly reminded that tripping over toys is one way to guarantee a grouch attack. Children from three to seven will delight in this story of a mommy who's nearly out of control, and they will learn the importance of something as simple as putting away toys. Ms Ellis does parents a big favor when she reminds all of us that there is humor to be found and something to be learned in even the most everyday circumstances. When nerves are tested, pick up this book and start reading!
FIRST SENTENCE: I was playing on the floor behind my bedroom door when ...
MEMORABLE MOMENT: At lunchtime I made spider soup....
SOURCE: A blog win, many thanks to Sherry Ellis's Mama Diaries.
MY THOUGHTS: I don't know about children aged three to seven (the age range at which the book is marketed) as I have yet to share this with my great-nephews but with its humourously conveyed message and fun, brightly coloured illustrations that admirably depict the scene I really enjoyed That Mama Is A Grouch and am sure they will do likewise.

This sounds like a fun book for children and their grouchy mothers!
It sounds like a cute, fun book. You'll have to let us know if the message truly gets across to the appropriate age. ;)
Nice to hear it was funny and well done
Looks like a cute book and I love that title! LOL
Sounds like this book is something my daughter could learn from. LOL
This does sound like it tries to convey a message that most parents would appreciate in an entertaining way. It seems to me that the idea behind this book is creative and different.
Sounds like a cute way to teach children while still entertaining them! And nothing gets an adult grouchier than tripping over toys!
Very important topic - and I'm sure it was done well for kids. :)
Hmm. Sounds like an interesting "warning" story on how to avoid making mama angry. The delivery seems like it would make it work, I'm not so keen on how out can be perceived though. Thanks for the share!
Sounds like an adorable one. Congrats to Sherry on putting out a great story for both mothers and children!
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