A thirty year old man from Maidenhead, Berks, is suffering from xoclatophobia - a fear of ..... chocolate.
Witnesses have reported that crates laden with bags of cash and coins spilled out onto the road after a lorry containing more than £1 million in cash broke suddenly as it approached a roundabout in Swindon, Wiltshire.
Here's one for Kelly's Thoughts & Ramblings and all other jigsaw fans ....
A retired builder turned dedicated volunteer has what is being termed the most tedious job in Britain as he spends his days assembling donated jigsaws checking them for missing pieces.
And in the news from Canada ....
A ninety-one year old woman from Quebec has been fined $148 (£100) for 'disturbing the peace' ... with her rocking chair.
And finally .. when literature isn't as far-fetched as it might at first seem ...
A paternity case involving a set of twin girls had a surprise ending worthy of a daytime talk show (or indeed a book TT) when a Passaic County Superior Court judge ruled a DNA test had shown that a man whilst the father of one twin was not the father of the other.

Hi Tracy,
Some great stories this week and all of them new to me!
I come from Swindon originally, so I can quite understand the need for firearms officers to protect that million pound bag drop! I checked out the relevant articles and film, just to make sure that there was no one I knew hanging around LOL!
I wonder if there is an opposite for Xocolatophobia ... I mean a word which describes the fear of not actually being able to get my hands on chocolate!
My favourite has to be the 'puzzler' story, as I can so relate to this one and admire the gentleman without reservation. Along with being resposible for the books, music, film and toys, in the charity shop where I volunteer (mine is also a Bath based charity, but not the same one), I am also responsible for the jigsaw puzzles. The trouble is that I get them donated in such vast numbers that I can't possibly check them all, so have to put them out in good faith as complete. I would love someone like Michael to come along and offer their services :)
What an excellent post, thank you so much!
A fear of chocolate? What on earth can it do to him? Answers on a postcard please...
Tedious job checking the puzzles? Oh, I think that might be a matter of opinion. ;) For those who are interested, I have a post scheduled on Wednesday showing my latest - fun to look at, but difficult to work. (thanks for the link)
Fascinating story on the twins!
Oh man, putting together puzzles and not knowing if you have all the pieces does sound like tedium
Yea, the twin thing could happen. It's just pretty rare.
I also think that xoclatophobia IS an irrational fear. LOL
Okay I don't know which one is worse! The fear of chocolate or the guy with the job to assemble those jigsaw puzzles?!
I guess that such odd things can happen with twins. Very strange indeed.
I love Gnomes and love stories about them. I just had to say that.
Love hearing about all the strange goings on. As for the man who fears chocolate..no worries I will gladly eat all of the chocolate to keep him safe.
How could anyone be afraid of chocolate?
Dumpty sure gets around! And a fear of chocolate? Definitely not a relative of mine! ;)
I guess one would really have to be a lover of puzzles to want to assemble them to make sure all the pieces are there!
The twins story- crazy science.
You always find the most interesting stories.
The poor man! Chocolate is so wonderful I can't understand how anyone could be afraid of it! Oh well, more for us! And I think that assembling all those jigsaw puzzles would be fun!
You find the BEST stories!
Karen @For What It's Worth
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