BACK COVER BLURB: Twin sons of different fathers?
To Mazel McDonald, it sounds like a good idea at the time.
1965 - Mazel doesn't have many options being unwed, pregnant, and unemployed. Two men lay claim to being the father. Instead of choosing one, Mazel chooses both, Daddy One and Daddy Two.
1991 - Mazel's husband is found dead. Who shot Daddy Two? As the story winds through their twenty-five year history, questions of identity gain traction, transforming the mystery into a tale of self-discovery and redemption.
FIRST SENTENCE {Chapter 1: A Long Pull, A Strong Pull}: Mazel Albright wanted one, just one cigarette.
MEMORABLE MOMENT {Page 187}: Balanced in his affairs, Vic's emotional pendulum didn't sway to and fro. At best it would on occasion vibrate lightly like a tuning fork, but for the most part remained motionless.
SOURCE: Received for review from the author.
MY THOUGHTS: Naturally conceived twins born at the same time but with different fathers known as Daddy One and Daddy Two? The Solomon Twist is certainly a novel worth considering if you are looking for something that bit different.
Unrolling over a twenty five year period with a plot that saw plenty of twists and turns and a myriad of big characters, at less than three hundred pages I felt this was a relatively short read that perhaps could have either done without so many threads to the story OR could have been that bit longer.
Billed as 'with laugh out loud humor'. I think humour is such a personal thing anyway and its all too easy for it to be lost amongst different peoples and cultures. Whilst I'm not saying this was a novel without humour, I certainly found myself chuckling out loud on several occasions, I did however worry that the differences between the American sense of humour and the British was telling.
Expecting the whole 'Daddy One/Two' thing to be the thing that would make the story for me what I wasn't expecting was to be so taken by a 'romance'. Quirky, unconventional, somewhat telling of the age we live in? and yet oddly sweet, I became totally engrossed in Vic and Margo's story.

I must say, you have me totally intrigued with this book. I'm definitely going to have to check it out more closely.
While I've certainly heard of dog litters containing puppies from more than one father, I don't know that I've heard of this naturally occurring in humans before. Interesting!
I'm being deliberately vague for fear of spoilers Kelly. Whether or not the father situation is as it seems or even if you get to know .... my lips are sealed.
I was thinking you wouldn't like it, but I didn't quite expect sweet for some reason. Probably b/c of the twists. This sounds like a pretty good book. Thanks for the rec!
I'm glad you enjoyed this book, Tracy. It sounds like it would be different and funny.
Two different fathers is a new twist.
I would love to read it, so interesting :)
Huh. Twins but different fathers. Now that's a hard concept to wrap your mind around. Sounds like it worked though and how interesting that it wasn't what REALLY swept you up into the story!
This book sounds very different and creative. The plot has so much potential. I agree with Kelly, the word "intriguing" comes to mind.
Too ad that some of the humor did not work for you.
The title of the book is also very clever.
It's interesting to see that it's something quite different. I haven't tried a book like that yet.
That's certainly an interesting premise for a story! Now I'm curious about Daddy 1 and Daddy 2.
Sounds interesting! Glad to hear that you enjoyed it, and even laughed out loud a few times. Love a story that makes you literally lol!
The description of the book didn't especially intrigue me, but it sounds like you found this book enjoyable. Maybe I would too. :-)
I am glad to hear that you liked this one so much. It sounds so different- I am definitely curious. :)
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