SOURCE: The third of six books won celebrating the blogoversary of Lindsay over at THE LITTLE READER LIBRARY
ABOUT THE BOOK: Set during the summer heatwave of 1953, England Expects finds Mirabelle and Vesta investigating the seemingly unrelated murders of a racing journalist and a cleaning woman. Their searches lead them through Brighton Pavilion's crumbling passageways to the quad of a Cambridge college and, finally, into the shady world of freemasonry where betraying secrets can cost dearly. And, while not on the murder trail, Vesta has to make some decisions about her personal life.
FIRST SENTENCE {Prologue}: Joey Gillingham got off the train and checked his watch.
MEMORABLE MOMENTS {Page 47}: The rate of corpses piled around that woman was astonishing. If someone was ill in her general vicinity, it would be best to check it out.
MY THOUGHTS: What I'd describe as a cosy mystery with perhaps a bit more oomph than is usual for the genre. Though England Expects is the the third book in the Mirabelle Bevan Mystery series I thought it perfectly readable as a standalone novel.
Set in 1950's Brighton (something I did like though I'd probably have appreciated it more if it were set in my home town) and apparently based on actual events. Whilst there was nothing wrong with the book -I can't say it was badly written, the plot was OK and not without humorous moments, the characters fair to middling, - it was just one of those novels that for some reason or other simply failed to engage me hence the low rating.

It sounds like one I might possibly enjoy, but considering it's part of a series and I have so many books in my TBR pile (not to mention those on my wish list), I think I'll pass on this.
When books do not do anything different I sometimes feel the way you do about this one.
The quote about the bodies piling up was funny.
That's too bad you didn't find the book engaging.
With my recent read, I can totally understand when you say it didn't engage you.
It doesn't seem like you see many books set in the 50s. It's still one of my favorite eras.
I get that. Sometimes it's just not for you. Still, brilly review!
I am sorry this one wasn't better for you. It sounds interesting though. I'll have to think further about this one before deciding to read it or not.
Too bad it wasn't an engaging read. The setting and era sound good.
It's interesting I confess but if it's only OK, I think I'll pass. Thanks for the review.
When I read the synopsis, I was slightly curious and interested. But when I got to the first and the most memorable lines, I sort of drifted from it a bit ... Good to read your thoughts on it, Tracy!
Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts about this book.
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