9 Mar 2013



Irene Wagner has been married for eight years and is tired of her bourgeois  and predictable existence as wife and mother. She starts an affair with an up-and-coming young pianist but finds herself being blackmailed by her lover's former mistress - Irene is soon in the grip of an agonising fear.
.... Inner front cover.

FIRST SENTENCE (Page 9): As Irene came down the stairs from her lover's apartment, again that pointless fear suddenly overwhelmed her. 

MEMORABLE MOMENT (Page 42): She danced as she had never danced in her life before. The circling eddies of the dance cut all melancholy out of her, the rhythm infected her limbs, breathing ardent movement into her body.

MY THOUGHTS: A short novella that packed one heck of a punch, Fear, essentially the story of one woman's guilt and inner turmoil, is a great psychological read that just gets better and better as it relentlessly builds up layer upon layer of paranoia, anxiety and menace until reaching its totally unexpected, one could argue disappointing, climax. 

A powerful, melodramatic read, thoroughly engrossing, the feelings of angst totally palpable, this is a novel made even more exceptional by the fact that it is carried by so few characters. Characters who though not particularly likeable, their actions often contemptible, I did at least in the beginning find myself having a modicum of empathy with. 

Disclaimers #1 :Removal of any part of this post without my express consent is considered copyright infringement. This post was created by and for Petty Witter @ Pen and Paper. If you are reading this post on any other site please contact the original blog owner/reviewer.
#2: Read and reviewed on behalf of NEWBOOKS magazine. I was merely asked for my honest opinion, no financial compensation was asked for nor given.


The Bookworm said...

This sounds excellent! I like that memorable moment you've quoted.

Kelly said...

The blurb from the cover didn't sound that appealing, but your comments make it sound really good! I may have to look for this.

Bookingly Yours said...

I've been seeing a lot of this type recently. I was in a bookstore the other day with my friends and they were buying a lot of "other woman/secret affair" books LOL nice review tracey!

Arti said...

Sounds like a very good read but its a pity that the end was a bit disappointing.
Have a wonderful sunday Tracy :)

Kalyan said...

nice reading the review...

brandileigh2003 said...

Nice quote and glad that you enjoyed and it was an emotional read.

Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

Hi Tracy,

Stefan Zweig is one of the classical auhtors that I haven't come across before, however your excellent review and comments, made me want to check him out a little more.

I have just spent an enjoyable few minutes researching some of his books and he is definitely an author to be adding to my list. He sounds as though he is able to pack more emotion into a few short pages, than most other authors, using language which is alluring and meaningful.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts,


Stephanie@Fairday's Blog said...

The moment you pointed out sounds fascinating and I loved your review. It sounds like an intriguing novella. Thanks for sharing. :)

Yanting Gueh said...

Some of the best books I've read have few characters, and sometimes, the main characters aren't all that likeable, yet the story sticks to you. Thanks for sharing this book with us, Petty. I don't know if I can resist a line like 'the rhythm infected her limbs.'

Betty Manousos said...

this sounds like a great read! i may have to put this on my to-read list.

loved that memorable moment too.
