I'm Suzy Puttock (yes, Puttock with a P). Fourteen years old and a complete disaster magnet.
My life's full of ups and downs. My loved-up big sister Amber's getting married and wants lime-green bridesmaids dresses. I'm not happy about that.
But there's this hot new guy, Zach, just started at my school. I am happy about that.
Only ...... I've had a boyfriend since forever. Danny. So now I'm all kinds of confused.
....... Outer back cover.
FIRST SENTENCE (Chapter 1): Oh no, oh no, oh no ..... I can't believe I'm so late.
MEMORABLE MOMENT (Page 32): When we finally make it to the top floor, we appear to have arrived in a parallel universe - a universe where a small child has run amok with glitter, lace and frills. In front of me there's a sea of white froth, silvery tiaras and bridesmaids' dresses in every pastel colour imaginable.
It's like a Barbie factory spewed up in here.
MY THOUGHTS: One of my favourite reads of 2012. Despite being aimed at a much, much younger audience there is just so much I related to within the pages of this novel - first love, embarrassing parents, horrendous little sisters- it was almost as if much of my teen life was laid bare.
Yes, there are those books that are so awe-inspiring as to be life changing and then there's Me, Suzy P that though hardly earth-shattering is an immensely enjoyable, fun-filled read.
All about the life, loves, family and friends of 14-year-old Suzy Puttock whilst this is a very modern story of a young woman trying to find herself - often with hilarious and toe-curling embarrassing results - this will undoubtedly resonate with all those who remember the joys (and pains) of their own adolescence.
And though primarily one for girlies (aged 10 and up) just as Suzy's exploits took me back to my 14-year-old self I'm sure that any boys who happen upon this novel will find much of them selves in the form of Danny, Jamie and Zach.
Published in NewBooks magazine, issue number 73.
NB: Though not published until January 2013 Me, Suzy P is available to pre-order at Amazon now.
DISCLAIMER: An uncorrected proof copy read and reviewed on behalf of NEWBOOKS magazine I was merely asked for my honest opinion, no financial compensation was asked for nor given.
Sounds like the perfect xmas present for a teen daughter or neice.
carol x
It sounds adorable! I love that it's one of your favorite books of the year.
Sounds cute. Wish my daughter liked books like this so I could buy them for her and then borrow them.
This book sounds like a fun book for adults who still remember their awkward days. Charming review!
Great review, sounds lovely book!
These tend to be the books I enjoy the least, but I bet I could find a young cuz that would like it. :)
This one sounds so cute, and perfect for my daughter. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. Thanks for the recommendation.
This sounds like a perfect read for me right now!
Lainy http://www.alwaysreading.net
It is fun to visit my younger self but I wouldn't want to live there!!
Sounds like one of those books I would have loved to read when I was ten or twelve, and one I'd sure like to read now, too!
Love books like this sounds...like you had a fun time indeed! Sometimes you just want to a book that's pure fun. ^_^
Sounds like a fun read! I still remember those awkward years!
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