He collects books:
Interior designer for the rich and powerful, Matt de Voy lends his tasteful eye to the households of his wealthy female clients. He also advises on which books should adorn their shelves. His deep knowledge of literature becomes his sharpest tool of seduction.
He collects women:

But is he a murderer?
Matt's fixation on the unavailable Claudia threatens to drive him over the edge....
..... Outer back cover.
FIRST SENTENCE (Prologue): It was very kind of my wife to have sent you, considering the circumstances.
MEMORABLE MOMENT (Page 7): But the books weren't really stock. They were valuable not in themselves but for the ideas they contained. Mad people and bad people and brilliant people came in and out and borrowed and stole and donated, and all these ideas moved again and again. The books were just a means to keep their stories moving.
MY THOUGHTS: Such a disappointing read.
OK, so Matt's job, a 'library consultant' who purchases books constructing a library for rich clients, has to be every bibliophile's dream job and as such made for interesting reading. AND the ending of the book, the last 50 or so pages, were, if not exactly dramatic, unexpected BUT I'm afraid that this in no way made up for the fact that the other two hundred and forty pages were so tedious as to make the whole novel seem actually longer than it was.
With what I can only describe as a dreary plot peppered with incidents that left me bewildered and wondering what their purpose was, a main character who was arguably without a single redeeming feature and a cast of other supporting characters who, if not altogether surplus to the story, were very much secondary I'm afraid The Book Lover's Tale failed to do it for me.
DISCLAIMER: Read and reviewed on behalf of NEWBOOKS magazine I was merely asked for my honest opinion, no financial compensation was asked for nor given.
I don't think I'd have read past the first 50 pages (my rule for giving a book a fair chance). Sorry it wasn't a winner for you.
Bummer you didn't like this. It sounds like an awesome premise. And yes, that job would be a dream come true!!
Thanks for your honest review. May the next book you read "knock your socks off"!
Aw... sorry this wasn't to your taste. Just reading the blurb, I didn't think I'd like it. Hopefully the next will be better.
I was also intrigued by the blurb; sorry to hear the book disappointed you!
Oh that is such a shame. The premise sounds so good. Especially "His deep knowledge of literature becomes his sharpest tool of seduction."
What a letdown.
So sorry to hear that this book wasn't better. The cover is nice adn the plot description sounds good. I am glad I read this review!
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