If you nodding your head in agreement, it could be another sign that you are addicted to online social networking sites such as FaceBook. (If you haven't already done so click HERE to take a test which will confirm or deny this.)
OR .......
If like me you are wondering who (or what) the heck Olly is, read on.
Basically its a web connected 'robot' that puffs out a scent of perfume every time you get a mention, notification or comment on a post online.
Basically its a web connected 'robot' that puffs out a scent of perfume every time you get a mention, notification or comment on a post online.
But how does this suggest I might be addicted?

So, do you feel the need of Olly in your life AND, if so, which fragrance(s) would you pick?
2. You are so busy updating your status that you don't even notice posters such as this one in New York, America ...........
Facebook-obsessed New York pedestrians who update their status while walking are encouraged to watch where they're going by the set of warning sings placed on street lamps across the American city.
While the notices look like they have been placed by local authorities, they are actually the brainchild of US street artist Jay Shells and form part of his etiquette campaign aimed at 'improving people's lives'. Read More
2. You are so busy updating your status that you don't even notice posters such as this one in New York, America ...........
Facebook-obsessed New York pedestrians who update their status while walking are encouraged to watch where they're going by the set of warning sings placed on street lamps across the American city.
While the notices look like they have been placed by local authorities, they are actually the brainchild of US street artist Jay Shells and form part of his etiquette campaign aimed at 'improving people's lives'. Read More
I do check my FB everyday to see what people are up to ..but I don't report every meal and move I make ..too busy. --Hmm, I'd like Olly to shoot the smell of my hubby or my crazy kids! :D
Hello Petty Witter..They are very interesting news..You have special knack to pick such curious news..Your eyes see differently..
The sign/art is hilarious! So many people don't watch what they are doing while they are updating or texting. I have never heard of Olly and would want cucumber melon if I picked. It always smells refreshing and nice to me. :)
I've never heard about Olly lol. That sign is great though! And necessary.
Addicted, yes. Need an Olly (thanks for the explanation, I was in the "what-in-the-world" boat with you)...not quite. Especially with the olfactory overload there...really, that was a choice scent? *-*
LOVE the sign art...LOL.
I noticed on our recent vacation how often people stop to take photos with their phones now. (and I was guilty, too) It can get obnoxious!
I would opt for a food scent, like vanilla or cinnamon. :)
No, thank you! The only reson I have an FB account is to promote my blogs!
No, not obsessed with FB. I have enjoyed social networking at times. It just depends. Sometimes it is a lot of fun, but I can totally put it down for a time.Guess, I don't need that sign. :)
Oh and since I'm allergic to most perfumes... no thanks. :)
I don't have a Facebook account, so not addicted. But Olly would be helpful if I could set it to spray when I checked the internet when supposed to be writing. :P
I love that sign, thought it is a bit sad.
Hmmm, this is a new term to me too. lol. But sounds like some people might be rather strong with perfume. :D LOL!
what an FB-addict New Yorkers are that they even need to remind 'em that way
I visit FB mainly for my business page and would just glance thru' the home page also.
Amazing! They really have that sign about uodating FB there?
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