Everyone whose path you cross in life has the power to change you.
Emily believes in destiny. She's waiting for the moment her real life begins.
Sam wishes he could escape. He's spent his life being dragged from place to place by his father. But he could never abandon his little brother.
Then everything changes because Sam meets Emily.
....... Outer back cover.
FIRST SENTENCE (Chapter 1): The days of the week meant nothing to him.
MEMORABLE MOMENT: (Page 137): I'm asking you in my inside voice.
And that's the voice no one ever hears.
To tell you a little more about the book I'll use the press release for the book ......... Raised by an unstable (mentally ill?) father who keeps the family constantly on the move, Sam Border hasn't been in a classroom since he was eight. He's always been the rock for his younger brother Riddle, who stopped speaking long ago and instead makes sense of the world through his drawings.
Then, Sam meets Emily Bell, and everything changes. The two share an immediate and intense attraction, and soon Sam and Riddle find themselves welcomed into the Bell's home. But Sam knows his happiness is too good to last.
MY THOUGHTS: Aimed at the young adult market, this is one not so young adult who really enjoyed this debut novel which though largely a somewhat quirky love story is also a tale of survival against all the odds.
Focusing mainly on three young people, Emily, Sam and Sam's brother Riddle, the book really hinges on their likability as characters as opposed to any truly great storyline. Not that it is only these three characters that are well written as all of the lesser characters, yes, even the family pet, also have a part to play in making I'll Be There such a warm readable story.
A book with a bit of a difference, a book with a universal message of young love, family and what it means to belong, I found myself gripped from page one and very reluctant to put this one down.
DISCLAIMER: Read and reviewed on behalf of NEWBOOKS MAGAZINE, I was merely asked for my honest opinion, no financial compensation was asked for nor given.

glad you liked the book.
it does sound like an inspiring read.
yet anther brilliant review, my friend.
big hugs!
I love the concept. I'll definitely be adding this to my books to look for.
hiya how are you ?
thanks for another brilliant review, i've just started The Book Thief again for the second time seeing that i've been giving it away i ought to reaquaint myself with it
This one sounds like a keeper. Terrific review, Petty! I'll keep an eye out for this one.
Good review, Tracy! It sounds like a very good book.
Sort of an older YA? It really sounds like a good contemp YA. I have been on the lookout for those. I think I may give this one a try.
Sounds like a wonderful book!
The Eagle's Aerial Perspective
Haven't heard of this one, but it sounds like a great read! Nice review!
Sounds like a good read .Thanks for the review .
Happy weekend Tracy :)
This sounds like a moving read Tracy, nice review.
This sounds like a lovely read! I love stories about discovering where you belong. It's a fairly universal want.
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