A pilot stranded in the desert awakes one morning to see, standing before him, the most extraordinary little fellow. "Please," asks the stranger,"draw me a sheep." And the pilot realises that when life's events are too difficult to understand, there is no choice but to succumb to their mysteries. He pulls out pencil and paper.
........ Inner front cover.
FIRST SENTENCE (Chapter 1): Once when I was six I saw a magnificent picture in a book about a jungle, called True Stories.
MEMORABLE MOMENT (Page 12): But, of course, those of us who understand life couldn't care less about numbers!
KEEP IT OR NOT?: A reading group read this will be returned for other groups.
Such a delightful little story that is all about the nature of friendship, love and loss, I believe The Little Prince can be read both as a simple, sweet story suitable for young children as well as a more poignant, philosophical piece that adults will enjoy.
The story of a pilot stranded in the desert who happens upon a little Prince fallen to Earth from his home planet of B-612. A lonely little character, the little Prince sets off in search of a friend meeting all manner of individuals (a conceited man, a King, an accountant, a drunkard, a geographer and a lamplighter) all of whom portray adults at their most bizarre.
Very moving, this is a truly emotional read made even more so when you know of the author, a French pilot who died, aged 44, a year after the book was first published. (Click on his name highlighted at the top of the post in bold to find out more.)

Definitely a favorite of mine. Now I'm wondering where my copy is - haven't seen it in quite a while.
Ironically enough as much as I've seen and sold this book in store, I've never read it. Curious concept for the story and yet....intriguing. Might have to check it out very soon....thanks for the peek inside the cover!
Awww, this sounds very sweet...and a little bit sad :) TY
Oh BTW, I tagged you in a meme if you feel like doing one :D
This is one of the few books that is worthy of being on my re-read shelf. I enjoyed your comments and I didn't know that the author passed away shortly after publication.
This is one of those that I never read as a child. Guess it's not too late. :)
Lovely review of a lovely book!
I've never read this one although I've always wanted to read it. Love that you reviewed it. I need to read it.
Sounds like a book that will be loved by almost everyone .Thanks for the nice review.
I've never read this one. It sounds really nice.
I'm a HUGE fan of this book. I was just thinking of it the other day -- the part where the Little Prince is taming the fox. You're right … it works on multiple levels and sometimes I think it has more to say to grown-ups than to children.
I read this in French in high school. I remember the story more than I do the French.
one of my all time favourite books.
i've even written a post about it.
i'm a big fan of this book.
p.s. i'm on a blog break...just wanted to drop by and say hi.
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