Ian Fleming has beaten Agatha Christie to the title of highest earning British crime writer with Fleming worth over a cool £100m and Christie a close second at £100m exactly.
Both however were beaten by American writers John Grisham (£366m) and Dan Brown (£400m). - Source: Maev Kennedy, the Guardian (11/04/2011)
For a few years now the Orange Prize seems to have caused controversy. This year, and not for the first time I seem to remember, its all to do with the prize being restricted to women writers and Bethany Hughes, chairperson of the judges expressing her hope that the award will be abolished.
The £30,000 prize was established in 1996 to celebrate "excellence, originality and accessibility in women's writing".
"I very much hope one day we won't need an Orange Prize," said Hughes.
"When it's a level playing field - when as many women as men see their books reviewed, when women get the same publishing advances as men - how fantastic that the Orange Prize will no longer need to exist. But it's there to redress the balance." - Anita Singh, The Telegraph (13/04/2011) READ MORE.
Robert Louis Stevenson, author of classics such as Treasure Island and, The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde is to have a set of fairytales he wrote printed as a set for the first time.
Stevenson spent the last years of his life on the Samoan island of Upolu where he wrote a series of fantastic tales and fables that he specifically asked to be published as a set.
However, instead of complying with the writer's request, his literary agent, Sidney Colvin, asked Cassell to publish two of the fairy stories – The Bottle Imp and The Isle of Voices – in a volume alongside a naturalistic short story of a completely different type.
The new volume of Fables and Fairy Tales is due out in 2013, as part of the New Edinburgh edition of Stevenson's works, which is planned to be the definitive collection. - Vanessa Thorpe, The Observer (24/04/2011) READ MORE.
Though not a fan of this authors work, I must confess that as an older teenager I would always borrow my (naughty) little sister's copy to read.
Having detailed their passionate exploits across thousands of pages over the past 25 years, Jilly Cooper has suggested she feels too old to continue writing about sex.
In an interview that will disappoint the many thousands of readers whose summer holidays revolve around a copy of her latest book and a sun-lounger, the 74 year-old author said she had tried and failed to pen bedroom scenes involving elderly characters, and may not return to the subject again. - Martin Beckford, The Telegraph (25/04/2011) READ MORE.
The Harry Potter/Twilight books make readers feel the same satisfaction as being affiliated to a real-life group, scientists say.
Analysis found that readers became part of the community described with tests revealing that HP readers 'became' wizards and Twilight readers vampires.
A researcher said: "The study explains how this everyday phenomenon of reading works, not just for escape or education, but as something that fulfils a deep psychological need." - Source: The Telegraph (27/04/2011)
Yet another novel with the potential to annoy the Christians of this world.
'God's coming - look busy!' God really is coming, and he is going to be pissed. Having left his son in charge, God treated himself to a well-earned break around the height of the Renaissance. A good time to go fishing. He returns in 2011 to find things on Earth haven't gone quite to plan...The world has been rendered a human toilet: genocide; starvation; people obsessed with vacuous celebrity culture, 'and', God points out, 'there are fucking Christians everywhere'. God hates Christians. There's only one thing for it. They're sending the kid back. JC, reborn, is a struggling musician in New York City, helping people as best he can and trying to teach the one true commandment: Be Nice! Gathering disciples along the way - a motley collection of basket cases, stoners and alcoholics - he realises his best chance to win hearts and minds may lie in a TV talent contest. "American Pop Star" is the number one show in America, the unholy creation of English record executive Steven Stelfox...a man who's more than a match for the Son of God. - Synopsis courtesy of Waterstones.com
So .........
- Who is your favourite crime author? Do you prefer Ian Fleming to John Grisham/Agatha Christie to Dan Brown?
- Is it sexist that the Orange Prize only goes to women writers?
- A fan of Robert Louis Stevenson? Will you be reading a copy of his Samoan fairytales?
- 74 and too old to be writing about sex?
- Harry Potter or Twilight - are you a wizard or a vampire (or even a werewolf)?
PS I almost forgot to mention, as with my Monday Media posts wherever possible I will endeavour to bring you the links to articles I have used in my Media Monday posts but this is not always possible.
Oh okay would be my honest answer Petty as I haven't been reading lately. :(
Glad to be visiting here and being the first to comment at yours - for one :))
By the way, Sharon turns ten today and I am trying to collect some comments as "gifts" for her. Please check out my blog post for details.
Thank you for the book bits you share. That seems to be the only reading I get these days...
~ NRIGirl
Hi PW, read your review , I have read a few of Ian Fleming's book that is all. I have told you earlier what kind of books I read.
I've only read John Grisham and I'm definitely a Wizard.
I like the sound of the Robert Louis Stevenson fairytales.
Harry Potter over Twilight anyday!! I love Agatha Christie. I've read books by John Grisham but never really liked any of them.
It looks like you have the site to get your name written out - but if not my email address is
skcz at comcast dot net
send me yours and I'll send it to you.
Now I am convinced, success in life has nothing to do with the quality of your work !
Let's see...
I don't have a fave crime author... but Dan Brown is not among them...
Not a fan, but I think I'd like to read his fairytales.
No... she is alive after all
Harry Potter.. I'd be a witch! Bwa ha ha ha! :)
Okay, I've never actually read Fleming OR Christie, but I prefer her genre over his. It does surprise me a bit that he outsells her.
In the world of Twilight I was a Jacob fan, but always thought Bella ended up with who she should have.
I've not really read much crime books, so I don't know who I prefer.
I don't think I've read anything by Robert Louis Stevenson either, but I would love to read all of his books.
I don't think you're ever too old to write about sex.
Can I be both a witch and a vampire?
I'm a potterhead, so I guess that makes me a wizard :)
Excellent post! Petty, you ask several good questions. I'll only attempt to answer one.
I don't think it's sexist to give the Orange Prize to women, because for so long we were not free to be writers, and countless voices have been lost in history as a result. But, it will be a great day when it's no longer necessary to have a separate prize for women only. Today, there's a proliferation of women writers--I think we are almost at that point.
Yikes, questions! Okay, here goes:
I don't really have a favourite, although Christie is growing on me.
No. There are plenty of things on earth that aren't for everybody.
Yes. Not anytime soon; I have a looooong to-read list.
I can't bring myself to write about sex now.
What is up with the all the Second Coming books? This one sounds similar to the Frey book in its courting controversy.
And Dan Brown? Well, at least it wasn't James Patterson -- thank goodness!
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