Colleagues who arrested a Russian policeman after watching him take a bribe were astounded when he locked himself in his police car and promptly ate the evidence. Alexi Nikolayev scoffed three notes worth 2000 rubles (£45).

Polish policeman Andrzej Tymanski fined himself £5 for walking on a railway line. Bosses had set Tymanski a quota of making one fine a day and he says he couldn't find anyone else who had broken any laws.

A surgeon at Glan Clwyd hospital in Denbigshire, Wales needed treatment himself when a 13kg lamp over his operating table suddenly collapsed in the middle of surgery, giving him concussion.

A teacher in Okazaki, Japan, has been reprimanded for setting his seven-year-old pupils a maths problem that frightened them.
He asked "If I wanted to kill 18 children and I could only kill three every day, how many days would it take me to kill them all?"
A Mexican official has been sacked after punishing a graffiti artist by sprat painting his bottom.
Oh My God. So funnnnyyyyyyyyy.
Wow! lol
If I was a seven-year-old and I had a teacher who asked me such questions, I would be frightened too.
Wow. Really...just goes to show you how stranger things can happen even when you think you've seen it all. Whew! Thanks for the smile. ^_^
Those were great! I'd like to think the Japanese teacher was just having a bad day and letting off some steam... :)
I wouldn't have wanted to have been the poor soul on the operating taken when the surgeon gained a concussion!
I have to say the Polish cop was brilly. LOL At least he wasn't going to hurt anyone else!
I was reading along thoroughly enjoying these when I got to the one about killing the students. I had a mouthful of tea and nearly spewed it all over my laptop!!! I laughed so hard it disturbed the dog sleeping next to my chair!!
You come up with some of the best stuff!
Petty, you are too too funny. I can't believe some of these "professionals"!
I hope the hospital had a spare surgeon to complete the surgery.
That Japanese teacher one is just disturbing!!!!
OMG about the teacher in Okazaki, Japan...lol. yikes!
Those were funny but the Japanese teacher one made me take pause. Amazing that he thought he could get away with asking a question like that!
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