This week sees 40 years since the introduction of decimalisation (having a currency based on simple multiples of 10 and 100) to Britain. Yes, on February 14th 1971 when people went to bed there were 12 pennies to the shilling and 20 shillings to the pound and yet, by the time they awoke the next day the pound was made up of 100 new pence. (Click
HERE to read more)
Too young to remember the Tanner, Shilling, Florin and Half Crown (click
HERE to view) I do however remember the sixpence which due to public demand remained in circulation until 1980.
What of all the old pre-decimal coins though? Well ........

Most were taken out of circulation and melted down but the old pennies still play an important role in one part of London today where they are used to adjust the timing of the pendulum of the clock in the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster, commonly known as Big Ben. And then, of course, there are several people who, like Husband dearest, still have bag fulls so ......
If you or someone you know collect coins and would like some pre-decimal British coins please leave your e-mail address so that I can contact you and Hd will be pleased to send you one or two ...... whilst stocks last (I've always wanted to say that)
I am also too young to remember the decimalisation, I had not learnt to count at that age LOL
However, I still use imperial when baking or sewing and am still put out that we have gone to g and kg in the shops.
In India, we have the rupee and lower denominations in paisa... Though it is now going out of fashion slowly!!
Have a nice day:-)
Yay, finally something I am too young to remember! Well only just as I was born in the April of that year.
Wow...can you imagine the confusion initially? *shakes head* I do in fact collect coins now and then (small collection, not a heavy hitter) but alas, I think the shipping to my side of the pond would be too great. Lovely offer though...and thanks for the informative share! ^_^
You are so kind to share those coins. But we are far away. So thanks for that offer.
We too have some in our collection.My son was in the habit of collecting. He has grown up and so the bag is tucked away and would be taken out till the next generation is interested.
I would like some coins...what do I need to do?
Good read. I hope the UK does not start using Euro.
Those two coins look beautiful. :)
A - you already have my e-mail, if you would like to send your address Hd will pop some coins in the post asap.
I find it funny that my kids don't know how to measure in feet and inches. They look at me as though I have come from outer space when i say something needs to be 4 inches. HOw times have changed.
I was in grade 7 when we spent weeks in science class learing the metric system.
Ah dear PWI would have taken you up on that offer of coins but alas I live too far away :)
BTW whats your take on something I wrote about V-day on FB..please do tell..I mean since nobody said anything for it, I think they disagree..hmm interesting.
I would love to have one of these coins!
Thank you for this generous offer. :)
i'll look forward to your comments about Room and will add a link to my review. Thanks.
Oh pretty! Shiny! I love this. US is so boring. We have no halfs (well, unless you count the 50cent piece... lol).
Well, I'm old enough so I guess if I'd lived in the UK then I might remember. I wasn't aware that had happened.
I think the US is the only place on Earth (literally) that still uses F for temps and doesn't use the metric system for cooking and other everyday uses.
Interesting post!
I have a small collection of coins from around Europe and would love to add these! Send me an email and maybe we could work out a trade?
Alexia561@yahoo dot com
Thanks for sharing this. Learn something new each day. Truth be told, I don't know if I ever even learned about the decimalation in school. :) Thanks!
This is very interesting. I didn't know it.
I would love to have any. Can I send you any US coins?
ceriusdesignsAT gmailDOT com
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