Talk about a Freudian Slip (A verbal mistake that is thought to reveal a repressed belief, thought, or emotion according to ......
THE PIGS THAT LOVE TO EAT. Live subtitles are made by a stenographer typing words phonetically as they listen to a show, or with speech recognition, where someone talks into a microphone while listening to the broadcast, and a computer recognises their words.
It is the latter version that leads to the use of words that sound similar to the intended one, but give a very different meaning.
Last week, during an item on BBC Breakfast about breeding pigs, a roving reporter explained that pigs 'love to nibble anything that comes into the shed, like our wellies.'
Unfortunately, the computer heard pigs 'love to nibble anything that comes into the shed, like our willies.' - Charlie Swinbourne, 17/01/2011
Sticking with animal stories......
Altogether ....... awwwww.
RILEY CELEBRATES. He's the dog that loves to smile and what better excuse than his second birthday.
Riley on his first birthday.
(Click on above link to see this years celebrations.)
Thanks to Husband dearest for this article.
LIVE CHICKEN THROWN AT KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (KFC) STAFF. A live hen was thrown through the open window of a KFC restaurant in Warwickshire.
RSPCA inspectors say they want to speak to the two men who approached the restaurant in Bermuda Park, Nuneaton, on a moped on Tuesday evening. -20/01/2011.
Just like the crocodile in Peter Pan, tick-tock, tick-tock ......
CROCODILE SICK AFTER EATING MOBILE PHONE. A visitor dropped her phone while trying to photograph one of the aquarium's crocodiles.
Visitor Rimma Golovko said she had stretched out her arm trying to snap a photograph of Gena opening his mouth, but the phone slipped.
"This should have been a very dramatic shot, but things didn't work out," she said. - 21/01/2011.

SCHOOLBOY KICKED OUT FOR BEING .... 24. A boy who enrolled at a new school was chucked out because the head believes he is really a man of 24.
Burly Prince Summerfield (pictured left looking like a Year Seven pupil in his way-too-big blazer) joined a Year Nine class as a 14-year-old at the start of a new term last week. But just 48 hours later he was sent home after teachers had suspicions he was a man a decade older than he said he was. - Tom Wells and Isabel Jensen, 20/01/2011.
Aah, this explains a lot.
WHY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND YOU. If you feel your spouse does not understand you, it may be because you are too close to them, research shows.
Psychologists believe that when two people know each other too well they assume too much shared knowledge and their language becomes dangerously ambiguous.
This "closeness communication bias" can lead to long term misunderstandings, rows and even relationship problems. - Richard Alleyne, 22/01/2011.
Riley is adorable!
I feel bad for the KFC staff :P Having live chicken thrown at you cannot have been a lot of fun lol
Riley is soo cute...He brought a cheerful smile onto my face as well!
Have a nice day:-)
What an entertaining variety of stories!
The first story was funny...and actually kind of scary. My husband had hogs at one time and said they would rip apart anything that dropped into their pen!
Never mind the crocodile...I think I would be sick, too, if he had eaten my phone.
Poor crocodile. I can't imagine that would be easy to pass. The article says that an operation is a last resort as it is dangerous for both the animal and the staff. I certainly wouldn't want to facilitate at that!
That dog!!! I love it. I can't stop looking! Too cute. :)
Wow, a chicken through the window at a restaurant? Talk about a nightmare for the staff as well as the local health department.
I had a blazer that resembled a school uniform for a while-- I started wearing it regularly when I realised that the bus drivers were giving me a lower fare (without me asking) when I had it on! ;)
Riley is adorable! There are some dogs that seem to have a perpetual smile. :)
I hope this doesn't "creep" anyone out but I dreamed that I was registering myself for high school last night (I graduated many years ago). Apparently, it was "okay" in my dream to take more classes. At least I was going for the APs!
Riley is so cute!
I hope the crocodile isn't sick for long.
OMG - a dog that can smile. I want Riley!
Riley is gorgeous. He knows how to play to the camera.
So that is why my partner and I misunderstand each other so much, we are too familiar. I thought it was because he switches off from my voice ;)
Riley is really cute. I like the mischievous smile on his face.
Riley ha sa smle and I thought it was a soft toy at the first glance.
How did they put people eyes in that dog's head?
Love the pic of Riley!
Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog
OMG on the first Freudian slip. LOL! Such a cutie dog celebrating his birthday.... ^_^ ...but that crocodile should have known better! The long distance charges alone would give him a headache! Thanks for the laughs! ^_^
I cannot get over that dog smiling!!! Too funny.
And I could totally see the truth in that bit about marriage ... I know I assume way too much about my husband that I should probably take the time to spell out sometimes.
I love these posts, as they always make me smile!
I love these posts too. I wonder why the 24 year old was at school? Wanting to learn?
Willies, oh my! Love your sense of humor!
Followed your link from the Book Blogger Hop!
OMG Riley is too cute!!!
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