Anyway, to answer Jenner's four questions.

Have you ever stayed up for 24+ straight hours? Why?

Have you ever laughed so hard your stomach muscles and face hurt? What made you laugh that hard?
Several times. I know I perhaps shouldn't of found this funny but I did ... and, I confess, still do.
My sister and I were shopping for an outfit for a wedding she had been invited to. Watching her try on shoes, whilst I looked after her daughter (Niece #1, now 21), I took my eyes off the buggy for a few seconds to comment on said shoes only to discover that my niece had reached over and grabbed hold of a VERY expensive hat, plucking it of the feathers that adorned it. Never have we vacated a shop so quickly.
What is the earliest time in your life you can remember?
Ooh that's a hard one.

- You are going to a fancy dress party - what is your costume of choice and why?
- What is the oddest gift you have ever received/given?
- Every Christmas morning we would eat tinned hotdogs for breakfast. A family we know ate a box of malteser chocolates in bed to celebrate a birthday. Do you have any holiday traditions? If not, what tradition would you like to start?
- You find a time machine to which time in history would you travel and why?
- KELLY @ Kelly's Thoughts And Ramblings.
- ODDY @ Dani's Letters.
- DIZZY C @ Dizzy C's Little Book Blog
- NAIDA @ The Book Worm.
I have been eating toast in bed ever since
Which got me thinking of the childhood 'rules' that I came to rebel against as an adult.
Toilet Paper - As a child my father had this massive thing about the number of sheets we used. Honestly I think if he could have getting away with it he would have stood at the toilet door, handing out single sheets of loo roll as we went in. I rebelled and now take delight in using an abundance of the stuff.
Likewise - the washing of hair and time spent doing so. As a teenager I had greasy hair and when I say greasy I mean of oil-slick proportions, yet I was only allowed to wash my hair twice a week, Wednesday and Sunday, UNLESS there was a special occasion (Christmas Eve for example) AND whats more I only had a certain length of time in which to do it before my father would bang on the door creating such a fuss. I rebelled and now if I want to spend half-an-hour, an hour even, in the shower I will do.
Molly I salute you for eating that toast in bed - the more crumbs you make the better.
So what made rebels of you?
Not too well at the moment, another nasty chest infection, I plan to schedule some posts to appear over the next few days so apologies if I do not get around to visiting you as I normally would, I wouldn't want to be spreading any germs amongst you. (What do you mean it doesn't work like that?) Oh and just in case I don't get to see you, may I wish all my blogger buddies across the pond a very happy Thanksgiving for tomorrow. PW
Wonderful post! Definitely understand on the pile o books to be reviewed and read and sorted...yada yada yada. In fact, I should be doing that right now, but I'm not...yep, there's the rebel streak in me. ^_^ Love the share of were such a proper young lady to give your rightfully earned gift to the whiney one....I'm sure it put a stop what could have been a major scene/headache. Have fun with the rebellious posts...and get well soon! (Oh, and thanks for the happy holiday wishes....planning on a great dinner with family tomorrow and then shopping fun on Friday.) ^_^
Hey my sweet friend! Hope you have a great day and an awesome weekend. Just had a quick minute to stop by and say hello. Today is my last day at work before Turkey day and I am looking forward to a 4 day weekend and hoping to get a lot accomplished. Loved your answers to your 4 questions and the memories of you and your dad. Too funny! Happy Wednesday my friend! xoxoxo
Fantastic post! I was completely lost in the fantasy world you created and saw myself cuddling Eyore and dancing around with Tigger.
I would simply like to clarify that the tinned hot-dogs on Christmas Morning was an abberation of her former life prior to being with myself. I have never provided her with such on the festive morn.
(standards Dear...)
I shall refrain for mentioning my absence from your description of a perfect day and simply imagine that 'tis I dressed up as Eyeore...
...and yes I have telephoned the doctors as you reminded me 246 times this morning.
Ugh, infections. I hope you get better! Too bad good germs don't spread the way bad ones do...
Thanks for the tag! I enjoyed your answers-especially the second one! :)
There are tinned hotdogs? We used to eat something called Vienna sausages, which I think also went by the name cocktail weenies.
I'm sorry you're not feeling well and hope you perk up soon. My parents didn't make me abide by a lot of specific rules, but they had some oddities. My mom believed that dishes had to be rinsed with steaming hot water. She was meticulous, so washing dishes took hours - no joke. My parents also chided me for watching movies and reading books more than once.
I love your description of a "perfect day". Edward Scissorhands happens to be one of my favourite movies too. I cry everytime.
I did stay awake for almost 36 hours once. But that was because I had procrastinated on studying for a big test.
As a kid , I used to love the game, "Pass the Parcel'", though we played it a little differently.
I hope you get well soon!
Thanks for yet another interesting post!
But after such a great post it is impossible to remember all the things you thought while reading it!
My favourite bit was the one about the hat and the feather.
And on the perfect day an editor would call me and offer to publish one of my novels.
Lots of fun stuff here!! I wasn't sure what tinned hot dogs were either, but the vienna sausage idea sounds right. ( I use to love those things... with ketchup )
So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I appreciate the no germs part, but you'll have to catch up at my place later since you've given me an assignment!
Hope you feel better soon!!
Great answers! It was so much fun learning more about you - and I'm with you on the 24 hours one haha I like sleeping too much!
Be sure to enter my international blogoversary giveaway going on now!
Where do I start?
Firstly, sorry to hear you are poorly. I do hope you feel better soon.
Secondly, my dad used to do that with the toilet roll. He also used to stand by the phone looking at his watch, to keep an eye on how long I was on it.
Lastly, Christmas morning starts with a glass of champagne. Need to keep my alcohol levels topped up on the big day, to cope with the stress of dinner and opening presents.
Fun post, theres always time for memes :O)
I like your idea of a perfect day! *sigh* about dancing in the snow with Edward Scissorhands.
I'll be posting my own answers up by next week!
Feel better soon. I've also rebelled again taking quick showers, now I enjoy staying in there till the hot water runs
Love the answers to the questions!
Loved your answers and have joined in with mine answers and questions on my blog.
Thought I had replied to this thread yesterday but maybe I didn't.
that's why they call me....
Dizzy C :)
Wonderful post! Loved your answers, and agree that Eeyore is definitely in need of a hug!
Sorry that you're not feeling well. Hope the infection clears up soon!
Wishing you a speedy recovery !Get well soon :)
Take good rest.Sleep well. Get well soon.
I have to say that your perfect day answer was my all-time favorite!! I loved it! : )
And I've been enjoying your new questions ... they are fantastic. I saw Kelly's and Nadia's answers already and I though "Darn ... why didn't I think of those questions.
It is fun to see this meme morph with each new person.
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