Instant. Intense. Weirdly familiar.
The moment Luce looks at Daniel she knows she has never felt like this before. Except she can't shake the feeling that she has ..... and with him - a boy she doesn't remember ever setting eyes on.
Will her attempt to find out why enlighten her - or destroy her?
....... From the outer back cover.
FIRST SENTENCE: Around midnight, her eyes at last took shape.
MEMORABLE MOMENT: "Yes," she said, "the best kiss I've ever had." And even though it had been her only real kiss, Luce knew that if you asked her again in sixty years, a hundred years, she would say the same thing.
One of the most soppy, romantic stories I've read in a long while as well as one of the most frustrating - a novel of 452 pages, it has taken the author the first 352 to set the scene, to let us in on the secret.
I've read an awful lot about this novel on various different blogs and, in the main, they all seem to agree that it's a great story. Something I'm afraid we are going to have to agree to disagree on.
Ok, so it wasn't exactly a bad read, goodness only knows I read it quickly enough (in a day) BUT that was only because I was desperate to make some kind of sense of the whole thing.
With an average plot, Fallen's characters I found to be 'limp' and irritating in the extreme and as for the 'love triangle' between Luce, Daniel and Cam? Was it only me who found it to be not unlike the triangle of Twilight's Bella, Edward and Jacob? Oh I don't know, perhaps I just wasn't in the mood for a story so sickeningly slushy.
Fallen was purchased at Newcastle Airport.
Always happy to share what other bloggers think of a book, Click HERE for Nina's view of Fallen.
I've read an awful lot about this novel on various different blogs and, in the main, they all seem to agree that it's a great story. Something I'm afraid we are going to have to agree to disagree on.
Ok, so it wasn't exactly a bad read, goodness only knows I read it quickly enough (in a day) BUT that was only because I was desperate to make some kind of sense of the whole thing.
With an average plot, Fallen's characters I found to be 'limp' and irritating in the extreme and as for the 'love triangle' between Luce, Daniel and Cam? Was it only me who found it to be not unlike the triangle of Twilight's Bella, Edward and Jacob? Oh I don't know, perhaps I just wasn't in the mood for a story so sickeningly slushy.
Fallen was purchased at Newcastle Airport.
Always happy to share what other bloggers think of a book, Click HERE for Nina's view of Fallen.
I also had problems with this book as it didn't seem clear to me what it was all about until the book came to its final quarter. I guess it will be a lot better if the author disperse the information that she accumulate towards the end and just give little by little away through out the book. Believe it or not, I am trying to get into this book - once again - as I seriously cannot remember all the details about it before reading the next chapter of the series, Torment. Hope that this one is a lot better though!
Cant wait to read the book. Lets see when I can get it.
I hated this book and cannot believe it is selling so well. You are right, it took forever for the story to be set.
350 pages to set the story... Thats way beyond my patience limit!!
Have a wonderful week:)
I hear the second one in the series is a good read though!
Oh no! I have both the first book and the sequel. What a waste!I can't stand soppy, romantic stories.
Ooh...sounds like this one DEFINITELY didn't hit the mark for you, but alas, it happens sometimes..and as you said sometimes you just aren't in the mood for a particular type of book either. I myself...haven't read it yet. Nope...despite the fact that I have an ARC of it (received it after it came out)from oh-so-long-ago, still hasn't reached the top of the stack yet. Will have to wait and see how it goes for me....but thanks for sharing your experience!
Nice review. I found this book a little boring. Every few pages Lucinda had to tell us how strong and mighty Daniel was and how fascinating his hair was.
This book not your cup of tea. . . .
Hmmmm, I guess it doesn't seem the kind of book I'd like to read.
B xx
350 pages to have a grip on the story..Gosh, I would have straight gone to the last page and started reading backwards after the first 100pages...
A book for me to steer clear off...Thank you for letting us know
It doesn't sound much like one I would enjoy. I didn't care much for the romance/angst of the Twilight books. I read them for the vampire/wolf action!
I'll definitely pass on this one.
Funnily enough I've just reviewed the book too. I quite enjoyed it. I've read a few Fallen reviews that have mentioned Twilight, but I've not read Twlight so I can't comment on that.
Sorry it didn't work for you. I don't think I would have had the patience to wait 352 pages to get to the secret!
Good I saw the comments. You save us lots of troubles,Petty.
I just started this book this morning and I am fascinated. Only some 40 pages into the book and I am looking forward to reading more tonight.
You seem to have picked the wrong books lately (I saw your review on Misha´s blog) - and sadly you have even had to pay for this one!
It's always disappointing when a book with rave reviews doesn't grab you. Know exactly how you feel...left wondering what other readers saw that you may have missed. Great, honest review! :)
I would pick this up to read just based on the cover. Love the image and the feelings it provokes. Whether the story will work for me, who knows. Thanks for posting your honest thoughts. i enjoyed reading all the other comments.
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