Yeah!!!! I'm so pleased. Whilst giving my e-mal box(?) a late, a very late (or is it an early?) spring clean I was delighted to discover that finally I had some spam mail offering me viagra. Having known several people who have been plagued by offers of this - as well as, ummm, all manner of 'body enhancement' surgery - I was beginning to feel rather left out ..... but not any more.
Anyway, I digress. I also came across several e-mail links that Husband dearest had sent me.
The first being, the newly developed BEACH HUTS we had discovered whilst at Scarborough last month. I can remember thinking wow they are so colourful and discussing with Hd how much they sold for. The answer? As much as some one bedroomed flats in the town.
The second, whilst talking about our wedding anniversary I mentioned that I did not think I had told my blogger buddies the story of how we got together. "Worry not," said HD, "I covered all that in my anniversary post 3 years ago" (How sweet that he was blogging about this and I didn't even know) and sent THIS LINK - an unbelievably romantic story (not), you have to click on the link for more of this:-
I was working as a trainee in Social Care, my first employment after leaving school and had been there about nine months when a new intake or trainees arrived. Being the resident big-mouth and possibly the most experienced student in the ways of meetings etc. I was by this time the elected trainees representative. Part of this role involved a talk to new trainees as part of their induction, to let them know of my role in representing them, their rights and responsibilities in the workplace etc.. I was rubbish and dying the death of the ill prepared speaker and decided to pick on someone in the audience, have a go at them and divert the audiences ire. She went home crying.
Suspected robbers in Germany appear to have miscalculated the quantity of explosives needed to blow their way into a rural bank.
The building housing the bank in the northern village of Malliss was largely destroyed by an overnight explosion.
The bank's cash machine survived intact and the suspected thieves are not thought to have made away with any money, Germany's Welt Online reported.
(Click HERE for the full story.)
WAIT, WAIT - I'm not finished yet.
I'd like to thank Misha over at My Love Affair With Books for tagging me but as I've only just recently been 'IT' I won't be posting again about the contents of my handbag etc. AND whilst talking of Misha, is anyone out there interested in helping out with her blog? Misha writes:
"With huge amount of college work and upcoming exams, I have realized I cannot manage this blog by myself. I have slowed down on my reviews too. I have realized I need 1-2 more reviewers to help me run "My Love Affair With Books." Apart from reviewing , I would want the selected people to help me with author interviews, contests and other blog related stuff.
Two things I want to make clear -
This is not paid
I won't be providing any books."
So, for anyone who is interested click HERE for further information.
It's a great post. Blogging and reviewing are really time consuming but it's fun sometime. Hope Misha will find help =)
I am gobsmacked by the beach huts. I had a look at the video and they are so not worth £35,000!
Nice post. I have a bank robber story. This really happened. In Atlanta, a guy goes to the bank and at gun point asked the teller to give the money. Meantime, the manager called the police and the police was waiting outside. The bank robber came out running to go in his get away car. But got into the police car parked behind the get away car. Unlucky guy.
Ooh, world smile day? Really? Cool. Looks I started the day off on the right foot then. ^_^ <--See, a smile! Anywho...lovely partial story on how you first met, has potential for much to happen...will have to read the rest of it (after I comment of course). As for the bungling burglers...I find it incredibly funny that not only did they over estimate what they need...but the cash machine was still intact! Seriously, after an explosion! *shakes head* Thanks for the smiles...and happy reading...
LOL! I am glad you joined us and no longer feel left out on not getting viagra emails...I get some crazy ones I won't even repeat...
World smile day?? :)
I would have loved to offer myself as an assistant to you, it does seem so interesting..but sadly cant for some months at least
I didn't hang around to see the beach huts when I was in Scarborough this summer... it was far too wet, windy and cold... very much like it is at the moment actually! It really is amazing what some things sell for these days.
I am also very curious when it comes to my spam folder - that´s where I usually find news about stories I have sold.
I have also had spam about both Viagra and breast enlargement. The good thing is that then I *know* that these people cannot actually see me :D
Oh my! The price of those beach huts...then the restriction that go along with them!! I can't imagine spending that kind of money for something like then. Then again, I'm not a beach person.
Hmmm... I rarely check my spam folder. Perhaps I should?
If it is spam you are looking for, I have PLENTY to share! Just let me knwo ...
Loved your husband's post. My favorite story to hear is how couples meet. I never tire of hearing about it.
Anybody else notice that there's always a World (Something) Day??
This is so incredibly sweet of you to mention my post. THANKS!!
I didn't know there was a World Smile day!
I get a lot of funny spams. Yesterday I got one telling me that a Mrs Smith had died and left me behind her fortune. I wish........lol
Great post, Tracy, as usual.
I often check my spam folder..but only to delete all of them. They may harm your p/c when displayed. A virus maybe?
B xx
Haha! If it makes you feel any better, I get all types of Viagra and Cialis junk-mail along with my "MEET HOT MOMS IN YOUR AREA TODAY!". Because I definitely need all of those e-mails, right?
Aww, I love seeing how couples meet. I think it's absolutely adorable how much you post about your hubby. :)
Nice to know your "how-we-met" in your HD's words... Interesting!
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