A mysterious and frightening metamorphosis has befallen Ida MacLaird - she is slowly turning into glass, from the feet up. She returns to St. Hauda's Land, where she believes the glass first took hold, in the vain hope of finding the one man who might just be able to cure her .....

What they need most is time - and time is slipping away fast. Will they find a way to stave off the spread of the glass?
..... From the inner front cover.
FIRST SENTENCE: That winter there were reports in the newspaper of an iceberg the shape of a galleon floating in creaking majesty past St. Hauda's Land, of a snuffling hog leading lost hill-walkers out of the crags beneath Lomdendol Tor, of a dumbfounded ornithologist counting five albino crows in a flock of two hundred.
MEMORABLE MOMENT: But then, one day, I learnt that a single look can change everything.
A debut novel by Ali Shaw. I can't remember the last time I was so disappointed by a book. Having read such an lot about The Girl With Glass Feet on various blogs and other book sites, 97% of it good, perhaps I just expected too much.
Whilst full of good descriptions and, at times, emotionally charged, I felt the novel was let down by the story itself. Supposedly Ida's story, to me, more narrative time was given to Midas with an ending that, though it brought a tear to the eye, left far too many questions unanswered.
As I said, wonderfully descriptive, the passages in which Ida's transformation is mentioned being particularly poignant, there is just something missing from this first novel.
The Girl With Glass Feet was purchased from Amazon. The 7th book read for my TYPICALLY BRITISH BOOK CHALLENGE. (Click HERE for last book reviewed and links to other challenge books read.)
A debut novel by Ali Shaw. I can't remember the last time I was so disappointed by a book. Having read such an lot about The Girl With Glass Feet on various blogs and other book sites, 97% of it good, perhaps I just expected too much.
Whilst full of good descriptions and, at times, emotionally charged, I felt the novel was let down by the story itself. Supposedly Ida's story, to me, more narrative time was given to Midas with an ending that, though it brought a tear to the eye, left far too many questions unanswered.
As I said, wonderfully descriptive, the passages in which Ida's transformation is mentioned being particularly poignant, there is just something missing from this first novel.
The Girl With Glass Feet was purchased from Amazon. The 7th book read for my TYPICALLY BRITISH BOOK CHALLENGE. (Click HERE for last book reviewed and links to other challenge books read.)
I have always seen this book about but its never appealed to me and Ive never been once tempted to pick it up, like you I think I would expect the book to be the best thing ever going by most of the rave reviews about.
will have to check this...how u doing friend? take care and wishes..
Wonderful cover page!
Dont judge a book by its cover...this saying so holds true here!
Yeah, I did not like this book either.
Yeah, I hate when you so look forward to reading a book and it just doesn't measure up to your expectations. I guess the only thing you can say is better luck next time!
It makes you wonder if people are giving false reviews when so many are so good. However, a book is like fine wine. Tastes different to everyone's pallet.
I've read books that everyone loved and I thought was less then ok. I don't know what they seen inthe book.
Next Book will be great!
Nice post. Have not read this book yet. Now, I am not going to buy.
Great review!
The book doesn't appeal to me.
Hope your day has been good so far.
B xx
P.S. I've being having major issues eith my p/c.
Hence..my response is a bit late. x
Always a disappointment when a book doesn't live up to your expectations! Same thing with a movie....only for me it's a far great time-investment on a book than a movie. We watched "The Book of Eli" the other night and it wasn't nearly as good as I had hoped.
I've seen a lot of the good recommendations for this one too. I hate it when that happens though - when a book doesn't live up to the hype.
I am so sorry to hear you didn't like this book. I did love it. Eeek.
Such an interesting idea for a novel, too bad it didn't flesh out well. How's everything across the water? Hubby feeling well?
What a disappointment. And when I read the first part of your paragraph, I thought this was going to be a wonderful fairy tale.
It's always disappointing when a book doesn't live up to the hype. I hope the next book you read is more enjoyable.
If a book doesn't have me turning pages, it gets tossed before I can even get past the first two chapters. That's why I can't post many reviews. I won't finish a bad book.
I hope your next read is better.
Darn it. That sounded like a good one too.
The story line sounds intriguing, but you lost me at the first sentence. That sentence is too long and clunky, in my opinion. it's rare that a novel's first sentence is able to pack a punch, though.
This one has been on my wish list; thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I need not say you write well.I love to read your style of writing.
The premise sounds so interesting ... I'm sorry it didn't work for you.
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